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James Chip

Yesterday I heard someone on the radio arguing against working from home, and I havent been able to get it out of my head.

When the person she was "debating" with said "I save 90 minutes a day on the commute" she replied:

"I can imagine that being a good thing if it translated to 90 minutes more work, but people just use it to have a leisurely breakfast, or spend time cooking a nicer evening meal instead of being productive."

I just cant understand how you can be so broken as a person.

@jameschip What a gross take. Commute time isn't work time. It's stolen personal time used to justify a (likely) questionable real estate decision. I, for one, am glad to have that time back.
Catherine is Tired

@jameschip good employees eat crappy food and don’t exercise thereby saving their beloved employer all the pesky paperwork and money a pension requires.

traecer πŸ‚πŸ

@jameschip As if. Trust me, $DayJob gets more productive hours out of me at home than in the office. Fewer distractions, no overheard conversations, better chair and desk, etc.

Kay Ohtie

@jameschip @baralheia Sounds like a manager or exec who doesn't actually do 'work' and thus can talk on the phone to do their fake-value-add 'work' in the car and consider that productivity, too out-of-touch to realize __no one else does that__


@jameschip I guess small joys and reasonable nutrition are only for the wealthy?


I can. I've known a lot of people like that, especially young professionals who are looking to learn as much as possible as fast as possible. But they would have worked from home and used the extra time for productivity.


@jameschip Of course the fact that you start work without having spent 45, minutes in commuter hell and are fresh and hence more productive is just ignored
Not to mention the advantages in terms of pollution and energy savings.


@jameschip @tseitr Wow, just wow. Leisure time? Who could possibly benefit from that?

Jim Hubbell

I always worked a factory job, so no chance of working from home. But after a while, the bosses decided 12 hour shifts with peculiar days off so no more than 80 in a pay period to avoid overtime. Us workers adjusted our break schedules without management permission so the net result was no more productivity, just passed off workers who are constantly quitting as they find better jobs.

Big Pawed Bear

@tristan @jameschip basically if you're not working for the corperat they are pissed off.


@jameschip Yeah, an extra hour and a half of unpaid labor! I can't wait!

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