@fell@jon the best thing is you can pronounce it "at matthew colon matrix.org" and then abbreviate 'colon' to 'on', so it becomes "at matthew on matrix.org". Whereas "at matthew at matrix.org" just sounds confusing ;P
Semantics from matriix.
The client software is s...
Poor functionality on web browsers, no compliance with accessibility standards, gratuiious ecmascript. Do not ask people in bandwidth expensive places to download s... 50, 100, etc. software (sorry, b... "apps"). Make your service work on basic web browsers.
End of rant.
Semantics from matriix.
The client software is s...
Poor functionality on web browsers, no compliance with accessibility standards, gratuiious ecmascript. Do not ask people in bandwidth expensive places to download s... 50, 100, etc. software (sorry, b... "apps"). Make your service work on basic web browsers.
@fell @jon the best thing is you can pronounce it "at matthew colon matrix.org" and then abbreviate 'colon' to 'on', so it becomes "at matthew on matrix.org". Whereas "at matthew at matrix.org" just sounds confusing ;P