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Csepp 🌢

@mos_8502 Maybe framing it in terms of permacomputing or technological accessibility is better than focusing solely on retrocomputing.


@csepp @mos_8502

that was my thinking too.
Does gopher support UTF or accessibility?
If not its very excluding and it should evolve to do so.

Studio 8502 :verified:

@msavoritias @csepp Gopher doesn’t specify a text encoding. Accessibility is the operating systems’s job. Retro computers have… somewhat limited options there. Although I imagine a serial braille display could be made to work with most of the text based ones.


@mos_8502 @csepp

i was talking about urls too for unicode.

Accessibility is not necesserily the systems job. it can be made easier with alt text for example on websites. or captions.

Studio 8502 :verified:

@msavoritias @csepp I’d be interested in how you’d apply that to an 80x24 cell character display with a fixed 256 character font.


@mos_8502 @csepp

fair. thats the same problems i have with irc btw. Its lightweight sure, but not as accessible as is for example.

Which as it was pointed out I would like to move from a mentality of old was better or just retrocomputing. To one that is more about bringing the modern guidelines into a stack that is lightweight like retrocomputing.

Studio 8502 :verified:

@msavoritias @csepp I would wager that those goals are a bit at odds. Accessibility is inherently complex, as different people have very different (perfectly legitimate) needs, and a lightweight approach practically insists on a one size fits all solution.


@mos_8502 @csepp

I respectfully disagree.

If we are not looking to have accessibility in the space then all we do is just continuing the cycle of exclusion that has been happening for decades now in the tech space.

I mean thats why we are all talking about it anyway right? Because we have modern stacks and tech excluding us from using them. Due to them requiring constant hardware upgrades and updates.

In that sense a "solution" without accessibility is not a solution at all.

So lets not exclude people that need the same way we are excluded. Our solution needs to take everybody in mind to create an equitable computing for all. Otherwise we just exclude the same people that could be our advocates.

We need to stop that cycle.

@mos_8502 @csepp

I respectfully disagree.

If we are not looking to have accessibility in the space then all we do is just continuing the cycle of exclusion that has been happening for decades now in the tech space.

I mean thats why we are all talking about it anyway right? Because we have modern stacks and tech excluding us from using them. Due to them requiring constant hardware upgrades and updates.


@f4grx @csepp @mos_8502

good question.

it does support utf urls and alt text. so it is in a better position than gopher on that. accessibility is also mentioned once in the spec for visually impaired people.

Im a newbie too in the space so i bet there are people that can answer more concretely on this. ^

Sadly gemini seems to have some of its own problems though that i wonder if they are ever going to be fixed. I have this in mind:
Not that i agree with all of it.

@f4grx @csepp @mos_8502

good question.

it does support utf urls and alt text. so it is in a better position than gopher on that. accessibility is also mentioned once in the spec for visually impaired people.

Im a newbie too in the space so i bet there are people that can answer more concretely on this. ^

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