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Ian Malcolm

I'm concerned the 80+ category lacks the granularity to distinguish between those in their 80s-90s and those who have been around since... let's say 1518, pretending to croak every once in a while, leaving all their possessions to kids who've been corpses for years, and assuming their identities...

Purely hypothetically, of course. Not worth losing one's head over.


A salient point. Perhaps I need a follow-up survey expanding that category.

You seem to show great familiarity with how this is done and 1518 does seem decidedly specific.

Ian Malcolm

Your dedication to accuracy is very much appreciated.

But no no, 1518 was just plucked randomly from the air. I mean, accurate birth records weren't even kept in Glenfinnan back then. It was just a village on the shores of Loch Shiel. At least, that's what I've heard. Never been there myself...

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