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Been curious about the age distribution of Mastodon users.
Internet polls are known to be the most reliable method for any such estimation.*

*Trust me, I went to grad school in statistics.

Please boost to increase precision of the point estimate and to reduce confidence intervals.

Anonymous poll


< 60
80 +
3,261 people voted.
Voting ended 13 Jul 2023 at 0:07.

@jetton Woho! Finally a poll I wasn't on the "over X and everyone else"

Nancy Gleason Photography

@MattiP @jetton Interesting bins you have selected. This might be the first time in 30 years Iโ€™m in the youngest age group in a poll.


@jetton my app crashed while I tried to vote on this

Griff Ferrell calckey

60 at the end of August. less than 59

still a youngster?

Daniel Reeders

@jetton Thank you for this, I needed that laugh.


@jetton I got a C in statistics and my father, stated that he was very proud of me!!!! ๐Ÿ˜‚


@jeffmcneill it's so interesting how the point can differ from user to user

i found this post very much to the point



@LALegault @jetton Pretty sure that was the point, given how many age polls lump everyone 50+ into one category.

packy This is a parody of an earlier poll by someone else that lumped everyone over 40 together.

Ian R Buck

I voted for my favorite number, that's what you wanted, right?

Ian Malcolm

I'm concerned the 80+ category lacks the granularity to distinguish between those in their 80s-90s and those who have been around since... let's say 1518, pretending to croak every once in a while, leaving all their possessions to kids who've been corpses for years, and assuming their identities...

Purely hypothetically, of course. Not worth losing one's head over.


A salient point. Perhaps I need a follow-up survey expanding that category.

You seem to show great familiarity with how this is done and 1518 does seem decidedly specific.

Ian Malcolm

Your dedication to accuracy is very much appreciated.

But no no, 1518 was just plucked randomly from the air. I mean, accurate birth records weren't even kept in Glenfinnan back then. It was just a village on the shores of Loch Shiel. At least, that's what I've heard. Never been there myself...

xanatax ๐Ÿฐ

@jetton โ€ฆ so, basically, I need to sign my parents up to fediverse servers. ๐Ÿซก Iโ€™ll see what I can do!

Prof Prachi Srivastava

@jetton The <60 category is much too granular to have any meaningful data for analysis.


@jetton In 5 months, I move up to the next age group . . .

Wataru Tenkawa ๅคฉๆฒณ่ˆช

This is the first such poll I've seen that has my own age cohort (80+) as an option. Thanks! We are few but bring rich experience.


@jetton your classification distribution amuses me.

:heart_pan: jo

@jetton I was gonna be funny and lie but my usual fake birthday of the Unix epoch still puts me under 60 ๐Ÿ˜

Luci For Tai Chi

@jetton you forgot the crucial 5-7 year old demographic


@jetton What are the units? Iโ€™m going with weeks.

Shawn K. Quinn

@jetton I'm pretty sure most are going to be under 60. I'm 100% sure that will be at least 2/3.


@jetton @TerpieCat Today my household helper, a 20year old, asked me whether Mastodon was like โ€œTwitter for old people.โ€

Abby Normal

@MizzBassie @jetton @TerpieCat

Lol! My 20 year old granddaughter thinks Twitter itself is for old people!

Ian Bradbury

@jetton - Iโ€™m interested, why no 50-60 segment? Or further segments?


I didn't realise there were so many young people here!

OutOfExile_IDR ยง Voice ยฎโ„ข๏ธ

I am very sorry but, your pole doesn't seem to have a number that matches me.

No, it's not denial. It's not that at all.
I'm just waiting for my next birthday to participate when the poll is over. ๐Ÿ˜‰


@jetton Like under 60 is kinda a 'uuuuuge bucket.

but accurate internet statistics, right?

and for the 80+ folks ๐Ÿ‘

@jetton Little disingenuous of you to not adjust the ranges to account for people who are likely to round up to the funny sex number..

@jetton the poor guy who did the original poll is never going to live this down :blobcatheart:โ€‹

Dave Jackson

What % tick the wrong box ? This one did : )

Joseph A di Paolantonio

@jetton @sorenhave an excellent fine-grain binning of all the previous 40+ and 50+ polls ๐Ÿ˜‚ Letโ€™s find a mathematical conjugate to build upon all those a priori data and use this new test distribution


@jetton How do you distinguish between "boost, because it's funny, sad and true" and "boost, because you told me so."?

Roger Nield

@jetton best stats quiz in years! Bravo ๐ŸŽ‰



Number per 100,000 people in X age band would be an interesting metric. Without the demographic breakdown it isn't possible to see whether the average 40 year old is more or less likely to join Mastodon than the average 60 year old.


@jetton well at last a Mastodon age poll that capture the older demographic.
There was another recent poll on age of user but it did stop at 40+, so starting at still 60 still leaves a bit of a gap to expand on.
For a survey of social medium users a survey on the medium is the sensible way to do it, though I think your comment is missing the /s tag: for surveying anything else it's not so good.

Declaration of interest: Age 72. Retired Statistician.

@jetton well at last a Mastodon age poll that capture the older demographic.
There was another recent poll on age of user but it did stop at 40+, so starting at still 60 still leaves a bit of a gap to expand on.
For a survey of social medium users a survey on the medium is the sensible way to do it, though I think your comment is missing the /s tag: for surveying anything else it's not so good.


@jetton the young ones make up a large group ๐Ÿ˜‰

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