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Neil Brown

I need a better bio.

Not here (well, yes, perhaps also here), but for meetings and conferences and things.

We were all asked to introduce ourselves at a panel session yesterday, and every other panellist spoke for *several minutes*, about how they had won an award for this, were chair of that, sat on this group, wrote this paper which was published here, and so on.

My usual "Hi, I'm Neil. I am a lawyer, and I'm sorry" felt rather lacking.


Éibhear 🔭
@neil How about "Hi. I'm Neil. I am a lawyer and, boy, are you going to be sorry"?

@neil Those long introductions drive me up the wall and turn meetings into boast sessions in my eyes. You’re already in the meeting, I’d appreciate the brevity and humour.

Neil Brown


> You’re already in the meeting

That is my sense too!


@neil Bet people remembered your introduction more than the rest though as they were all the same. Sometimes less really is more.


You could try:

"Hi, my name is Neil, and I'm an alcoholic. Oh shit, wrong room."


Jonathan T

@neil Could be much worse. Ergo, "Hi, I'm Neil and I am sorry I'm a lawyer."

Neil Brown


Now *this* is the kind of advice I am here for!

*goes off to have a think*

Lars Wirzenius

@neil FWIW, when a bio is spoken, I prefer short, to the point, and informative.

Written bios can be longer, but should still be to the point and informative.

In both cases, the bio probably should be tailored for the audience. What's interesting about you for these people and this occasion? Plus maybe one memorable unusual thing.

It's not an easy thing to achieve.

Karl Austin

@neil I did a networking event the other month and they always have a "skill share" and it was someone from NatWest Enterprise on how to write your 60s pitch for networking etc. I'll see if I can find my notes from it. As I don't think they sent the slide deck out.

Neil Brown


Thanks! For most people, it wasn't 60 seconds. It was *minutes*.

Karl Austin

@neil I'm with some of the other commenters on that, I think most people just turn off and go "oh look, another ego massager talking about what they've done for themselves not what they can do for me"

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