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Neil Brown


Does anyone in #lawfedi have experience with this? Looks like it needs to be a US lawyer with experience challenging spurious DMCA notices.

dynamyc 🌷:ameowenjoysnow: I'm not 100% sure how these work but surely this is just a trolling kind of DMCA, right? like cmon, is an infringing URL? or am I missing something?

NK30 :arch: :verified_root:

@sponsorblock still shows the website directly below the f-droid and github links, at least.

Dim Simple

@sponsorblock Love NewPipe. Wonderful software. I have no legal knowledge, but I boosted in the hope they get what they need.

DELETED NewPipe homepage is still first in SearXNG search results
reject Google
​:googletrash:​ and other proprietary corporate services, embrace open source decentralized services ​:rosahaj_mlem:​


@sponsorblock Does this mean a takedown of the app's imminent? It's a great app; that would suck.

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