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@aral so if you don’t mind my asking, as someone not enough in the know, why did they do this?

Nuno & Lua :DsaprvingLua:

@aral @maegul given their CoC I would guess that has something to do with their anti-advocacy stance or rule on "controversial" posts, I mean it's their server but 🤦
Edit: added screenshots

Thomas Ricouard

@ncrav @aral @maegul And that's why I would never go on niche servers. Admin can just run it like Elon in the end.


@dimillian @ncrav @aral

This also highlights the strange conflations that can or have happened with microblogging decentralisation.

A general topic (FOSS) and a moderation policy have been bound together for a server of people probably reading microblog feeds about all sorts of stuff. It questions the value of decentralisation in this web2.0 form (at least for microblogging).


@dimillian @ncrav @aral @maegul I'm curious to understand why people (and apps) largely follow this one-account-policy, rather than combining profiles on several (niche and non-niche) servers (and providing a really nice UX around this).

I know mastodon (and maybe ActivityPub) is built around different identities in different communities, but why do we have to use it that way?


@cmw @dimillian @ncrav @aral

For me ... **the** question ATM. Many are asking their respective platforms to re-invent everything on every other platform. Apart from being inefficient, it just won't happen.

The killer feature for the fediverse may very well be building out an aggregation layer so that platforms can do their thing and we users can mix & match however we want.

Such may even require new aggregating servers where user accounts actually live??


@maegul @dimillian @ncrav @aral mmh. I dislike the idea of aggregating servers simply for the fact that it's another centralized thing.

Having different servers represent different communities (in the traditional, offline sense) makes a lot of sense to me. I'm thinking more in terms of one portable, controlled-by-nobody-else, user interface that lets people interact with all these communities.


@cmw @dimillian @ncrav @aral

Yes on the uncentralised options! Except that they'd probably work well in terms of performance and caching etc, and probably wouldn't result in more centralisation than we've seen already from mastodon and

If the software were open, then you could hope/expect multiple instnaces to be run with different focuses in terms of topics/niche-instances and policies around moderating/banning accounts. Also, different UI designs, which would be important!


@maegul @dimillian @ncrav @aral Maybe there's an opportunity to build a great #smallweb solution :)

legumancer Davy

@ncrav @aral @maegul meanwhile, one of their users railing against women posting photos of themselves breastfeeding is apparently fine. (A victim blaming reply to a post about a trans woman who was harassed for posting a photo of the last time she was able to breastfeed before starting chemotherapy.)


@ncrav @aral @maegul

"Correct Views". An interesting concept I always associate with authoritarian regimes.


@ncrav @aral @maegul yeah this is basically why I left #fosstodon. They didn't block me or anything, but took the (in my opinion) wrong side when someone complained about one of my posts that was apparently controversial.

Aaron Caskey-Demaret

@ncrav @aral @maegul What do they expect people to talk about then?

"Hey guys! What's your favourite Open Source graphics program? Remember to only answer GIMP or you will shadowbanned for being controversial!"


@maegul @aral unfortunately this is what happens when mods and admins think they know what's "best" for all their users.

Pro-tip, users are quite capable of figuring out who they want to follow/mute or block themselves without some overzealous mod or admin deciding for them.

Edit: additionally its using tools like hide, or suspend things that are designed for troublesome users/spam/malicious actors being used on someone who's only crime was *maybe* having a different opinion... Absurd.

Jazzyboy :solus: :vim: :linux:

@paul @maegul @aral Personally, I would rather not sign up to an entirely unmoderated instance and find myself having to block countless bots, conspiracy theorists, and bigots.

Moderation is essential. It's just better when the moderators have the same principles as I do. One of the great things about decentralisation, though, is that I could move to another instance if I find I can't trust Fosstodon's admins anymore.

For now, I'm reserving judgement as I think this was a technical glitch.


@admin @jazzyboy @maegul @aral @downey

Mods/admins really need to stop using this nuclear option all the time. Happens far too often nowadays, this with what looks like multiple people now - the whole thing with mstdn dot social and dot art....

Yeah we get it people make mistakes, get upset etc, but seriously.

Imagine all the cases where its just a guy with a couple of hundred followers not even realising something like this has happened.

Undermining the Fediverse completely.


@paul Ah, that explains something I was wondering about. Got 'account suspended' when I tried to check up on .art's admin's profile from .coffee (uses same list as mstdn dot social) but I didn't see .art listed on their moderated server list. Seems like a shame, but thanks for the insight.


@paul Was hoping the rest of the thread would have more info on the .art and mstdn conflict, but nothing more than you mentioned.
Mind filling me in or pointing me to more info? both stux and welshpixie seem pretty grounded admins. Wait, let me guess. Was it over federating w/ Meta servers?


@paul Pfeh.

Making those decisions is what mods/admins do. If you don’t like their choices, go to a different instance. Each of us gets to choose an instance with rules that work best for us. That’s one of the core ideas behind the fediverse.

You get to say and think whatever you want, nobody else is obligated to provide you with time, space, or attention.


@mkb I am on my own instance.

You're missing the point.

Niels Abildgaard

@mkb this is a terrible take, bud.

Of course you're right in principle, but feedback from the community, as is happening here, is just as important a mechanism for a healthy community, in this case around FOSS on the fediverse.

Your reply dismisses all the very important criticism by describing what everyone here already knows.

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