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Aral Balkan

Note: edited to make it clear that I was silenced not suspended.

Apparently that doesn’t make people unfollow you but it means that your posts do not show up in people’s timelines if they’re boosted there, etc.

So, basically, folks on Fosstodon are not made to unfollow me but I’m censored there.

Mehrad :kde: :emacs: :rstats:

@aral it does, I still follow you *and* I saw your boost from @doot with no issue. Can you explain how you came up with such conclusion and how I for one can see and intract with you both from my Fosstodon account?!



@Mehrad @aral @fosstodon you follow aral and aral boosted me, so you can see us due to your follow relationship with aral.
We wouldn't show on the federated feed because of follow relationships on the server alone though, I believe.

We are only hidden to those who do not have some connection in that way.

Leon Paternoster

@aral fwiw @fosstodon I can’t see anything that warrants @aral’s silencing, both in tone and subject.


@aral fosstodon is the new closetodon?

Aral Balkan

@jan No idea. I was apparently silenced and now I’m apparently not… 🤷‍♂️

Eva Pavlikova

@aral and did they tell you why? Did you get any message on it?


@aral Their loss. Don't let a server name throw you. An instance name is nothing more than a unique identifier.

Aral Balkan

@apples_and_pears Indeed, it would appear so in this instance anyway.

Christine Hall

@aral So, in effect it's sort of a manual algorithm? You know, one of those things that Mastodon is so proud not to have. Interesting.

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