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Taylor Lorenz

Former Twitter employee resigns with “Rate limit exceeded” cake via @PopCrave

Edwin G. :mapleleaf:

@taylorlorenz @PopCrave I hope the cake was delicious. It does look like it from here.

Stuart McHattie

@EdwinG unfortunately, when you try to take a slice, it won’t cut and you have to wait until the rate limit is met.

Pratik Mhatre

@taylorlorenz I hope became a former employee AFTER she resigned 🧐

Diane 🕵

@taylorlorenz @PopCrave

She looks so happy.

I hope more people trapped at twitter can find jobs elsewhere.

Gik :prami:

@taylorlorenz @PopCrave do they have an icing printer to print on fondant sheet? !


@taylorlorenz @PopCrave Makes me so happy to see these tortured employees exit with pride.


@taylorlorenz @PopCrave remember the Twitter whale? That's the way we did rate limiting in the old days..

Joe Original

@taylorlorenz @PopCrave I was just looking at my “fail whale” Twitter image that I saved in 2009. Twitter is coming full circle and Elmo should be congratulated for returning Twitter to its roots.


@KevinWho @PopCrave @taylorlorenz you roll that dice and this time, it seems you got a good result. Enjoy yourselves once the shock wares off.

Emma :blobcatheart:

@gocu54 @PopCrave @taylorlorenz oh yeah when they get back on and it's all good I will, but I think it may be tomorrow when that happens. For now I'm shaking worried of the response even tho there's no way someone who just came out as not straight to me could be transphobic..... Right?


@KevinWho @PopCrave @taylorlorenz I hope not friend. There's a good chance your friend isn't transphobic.

Mensch, Marina

@taylorlorenz @PopCrave

Enough is enough - you go, mate!
and loads of success in a new, better job! 🤞 🍀

Wendy Lady

@taylorlorenz @PopCrave I was once downsized at a job and had to train someone (who couldn't focus on a single thing about the complexities of my job) and I gave one of my bosses a "sorry for your loss" card.

Minemo :verified_flashing:

@taylorlorenz @PopCrave The cake is NOT a lie! :bloblaugh:

I love this trend of not quitting quietly. Fuck quitting quietly.

Quit your shitty job and flaunt it proudly and as loudly as possible I say! Expose bad employers and businesses and their stupidity and bad abusive practices.

Look at that beautiful smile. She deserves to be happy because that cake is amazing and I love it. She gets a ton of extra points for trolling her shitlord boss in style on her way out. 💅 #Twitter #riptwitter


@taylorlorenz @PopCrave
Are they actually still rate limiting? I heard things have gone back to normal with that. #elonmusk at this point should shut down the site and come back with a rebrand so he can make it how he wants it.

Torbjörn Andersson

@LunafreyaNox @taylorlorenz @PopCrave

The rate limit for people without an account still seems to be stuck at zero, at least.

(I left when I got fed up with how aggressively it was pushing Elon's attempts at jokes at me. You could have exhausted any rate limit trying to find a single funny one.)


@et_andersson @taylorlorenz @PopCrave
Yeah I went on, hit my rate limit scrolling then deleted my account. lol

Pink Pants

@taylorlorenz @PopCrave re: alt text — pls don’t use girl to describe a grown woman


Onko tämä... heippakakku?

(A play on words for Finnish speakers.)


@taylorlorenz @PopCrave she doesn't look like someone who has endured Elon for 9 months or so. I'd expect her to resemble the Crypt keeper at this point

beforewisdom 🖖

@taylorlorenz @PopCrave

Why on Earth was that woman still there?

I had the impression that everyone who had U.S. citizenship left long ago when Musk offered his "Suck it up -OR- Get out" severance package deal.


@taylorlorenz @PopCrave
Fake or real she farted while serving that cake.


@taylorlorenz @PopCrave I just appreciate that everyone in the Mastodon replies are arguing if it's real or not and here's a link to Taylor on Twitter replying to the proof with an offer to tag her... On Threads.


@taylorlorenz @PopCrave

so I read the alt-text and I don‘t know about you, but for me, that’s a grown-up and wonderful woman, and I respect her a lot for resigning, and I love her cake and I love her smile and I wish her all the good things in the world.


@taylorlorenz @PopCrave I guess twitter cant take to many posts from awesome people.

Happy birthday!


@taylorlorenz @PopCrave

Wow, Taylor, another great home run from you, the paragon of journalistic integrity. Maybe you should find out where that woman and her family lives and congratulate them in person. Maybe you can do another interview and cry and gaslight the audience again.

Mert Gör ☭

@taylorlorenz @s0enke @PopCrave A good way to express her thoughts ! :D I liked that cake !

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