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Dean Burnett (that brains guy)

"We never saw any of this ADHD or autism stuff when I was young!"

You never saw any photos of the surface of Mars back then either, but I'm pretty sure it was still there the whole time


@Garwboy That's a special dedication you have to stupid you've got going there.

Like a modern day circus attraction you are.


@Garwboy Mars is *checks notes* a liberal hoax!



@TonyJWells @farcaller @Garwboy "if on the red planet they're all socialist... who are they stealing from?" [quote]


@marcorobotics @TonyJWells @Garwboy there are two primary resources on Mars: water tankies and oxygen tankies. And the red faction always has the volition for control.

Whoops, wrong franchise. Can we make an off-spin about SCP now?


@TonyJWells @marcorobotics @Garwboy this. This is why we can't have nice things. Humans find a new shiny toy and it ends up with another Reality Dysfunction.


@Garwboy Natürlich war es da, aber zu dieser Zeit kamen diese Menschen in den Nischen der Gesellschaft irgend wie immer unter! Nur hat sich der wirtschaftliche Wandel, der absolut auf maximaler Ausbeutung seinen Bestand hat ,keine dieser Nischen mehr vorhanden ist! Menschen dürfen demnach nicht mehr so sein, wie sie sind, werden schon in der Grundschule in die Muster der Zukunft gepresst ,wer da außen vor bleibt. wird letztendlich medizinisch ausgeschaltet!

GroßStadtPflanze :verified:💉⁷

@Dillerjohann Schönen Gruß von mir: Ich fühl mich gelabelt und mit Infos versorgt 1000x besser als vor 40 Jahren in der Schule!! @Garwboy


@Garwboy I'm glad it is more 'common' now, despite meeting the occasional neuro-typical person saying it's all a trend.

I was finally diagnosed last year and my daughter this year. My son will be soon too and at least they can grow up in a world less alien and with a better understanding.

Perhaps even a little more compassion and empathy.

#autism #actuallyautistic


@Garwboy People just weren't cognizant of this stuff when I was a kid. Anyone aware of the telltale traits today can read my old report cards and notice some blatantly obvious patterns reported in my behavior.

I didn't suddenly become autistic when I was finally diagnosed at 43. 🙄

gaydradia the fact stuff wasn't studied or it was downright hidden makes some people think it wasn't there

left handed, trans people, adhd, autism, you name it

Kate Watson

@Garwboy @analogfusion Exactly. Just a lot more kids being punished and variously emotionally traumatised for things they couldn’t change.


@analogfusion @Garwboy
The Term ADHD wasn't invented when I was a kid. They threw in ADD for a comparison, and beat the crap out of me in school for it. It was hard for me to sit, so I stood at my desk and wrote, I was strapped almost daily. My report cards read like this STANDING but no 5/10 students, just STANDING. I had a successful military career of 33 years, and was diagnosed just before I retired. A little late for treatment, I've figured me out already

Maggie Maybe

@analogfusion @Garwboy yep I didn’t get diagnosed with ADHD until I was 30. I think my brother was diagnosed after, I’m almost certain my mom had it. She had bipolar so her doctor wouldn’t even consider treating her or testing her for ADHD. It’s really unfortunate, her mom was a doctor in public health, but when she was growing up I don’t think they even knew about ADHD, but especially not in girls.


@analogfusion @Garwboy

We always saw students in media that today would be called ADHD, autistic, or neurodivergent.

The kid who never shuts up in class, the kid who gets way too excited, the kid who struggles to make friends.

It's just that those kids used to be called "problems"


@kinyutaka @Garwboy I'm sure that word got uttered in the teachers' lounge during my elementary school days.

James Edwards

@analogfusion @kinyutaka @Garwboy My dad was a school teacher, and he was aware of ADHD in 1980. I know this because when I was finally diagnosed in 2019 he told me that he had suspected I had it when I was 7, but “nobody took it seriously”.

Jonathan T

@Garwboy They did. And you can bet that they remorselessly bullied anyone exhibiting the more obvious of those traits for being 'weird' or 'different'.

Scott Galloway

@Garwboy ADD & Autism were added to the DSM (III) in 1980 & neither were commonly diagnosed until the late 80s. So they're right...


@scottgal @Garwboy I was already 3 promotions up in the Navy at the time it was invented. My friends probably all knew (they said they did) weird was fine with them. The military wasn't looking, until one day a doctor realized it. What confused them, was that I made it to Management in 16 years and was bored. Then they tried to medicate me, and I just decided to retire instead


@scottgal @Garwboy improvements in diagnosis capability don't change the prevalence though.

John Gordon

@scottgal @Garwboy Autism became tied to a lot more services and support than the older classifications of developmental delay or 5th percentile IQ. Autism diagnostic criteria, for the purposes of child services, are sufficiently broad that every parent, physician, and teacher of a cognitively disabled child is going to assign that label and get those services. We certainly did for our oldest.


@Garwboy Even the doctors cooperate very poorly to diagnose adult people. My wife has had quite the journey to get #ADHD diagnose and any medical treatment. Of course, nobody talked about it in the 80s when she was young. She was just "very distracted" and "all over the place." And if the system helps her, it also helps me.

Maggie Maybe

@helligbird @Garwboy yeah it’s interesting, I was diagnosed about 20 years ago. I quit seeing the first Doctor Who suggested stimulants to me because I thought that was ridiculous. A couple years later when I got desperate enough to try again at Dr explained why stimulants might help. So I decided to try them, he had me come back a week later, I told him that they immediately helped and then I cried for all the unnecessary suffering. He clapped his hands and he said “Yep you have ADHD!” so I’m pretty sure medication trials and self reported symptoms were how it was diagnosed back then.

Recently my friend asked her doctor to evaluate her for ADHD. He sent her home with a whole bunch of paperwork, some questionnaires for her to fill out and for someone close to her to fill out. It was interesting, based on the questionnaires he said she didn’t have it but her therapist thinks she does so they’ve been trying medication.

@helligbird @Garwboy yeah it’s interesting, I was diagnosed about 20 years ago. I quit seeing the first Doctor Who suggested stimulants to me because I thought that was ridiculous. A couple years later when I got desperate enough to try again at Dr explained why stimulants might help. So I decided to try them, he had me come back a week later, I told him that they immediately helped and then I cried for all the unnecessary suffering. He clapped his hands and he said “Yep you have ADHD!” so I’m pretty...



Much of this is due to better diagnostic tests and increased awareness, aka, we're smarter now.

Some is also due to conformity pressures created by our culture.

At least in the early 90's, there was also a problem with overdiagnosing kids w/ ADHD.

OhMyD3vil :Ryyca:

@Garwboy by the same authors of “the waters are turning the frogs gay” and “kids nowadays… (insert any backwards bullcrap)”

Kelvin n0mql EN35ld

A decade ago, maybe more, I recall my 70-something dad musing about his brother-in-law David, who was such an "odd duck" with difficulty fitting in.

"You know... the way they describe Autism... that matches Uncle David to a tee. Right down to the last detail."

He was one of my favorite uncles. Funny as hell. Often without trying. Whenever he was in town, Ma would send us to #HarMarMall to just kick around all day, surely 'cuz he drove her nuts.


@Garwboy Just because something is undiagnosed doesn't mean it isn't there.

How many "industrial accidents" were actually suicides, hidden so that the families wouldn't suffer.

Some people have struggled to fit into the society we have created forever. Now we have medical diagnoses. Surely, that is progress.

Steven D. Brewer 🏳️‍⚧️


I was 12 when the Viking I landed on Mars. I collected all of the newspaper clippings and was super excited to see the first images from the surface of Mars. ❤️


@Garwboy people used to hide any forms of neurodivergent behavior because they viewed it as a personal moral failing.

call it how it really is. we as a society used to act like we didn't exist.

Aris Adamantiadis :verified:💲Paid

@pinecones_sx @Garwboy Add to this an hyper competitive and fast moving modern world where having attention issues doesn't fit the corporate view that employees should be 100% productive 8 hours a day

Dean Burnett (that brains guy)

You know a post is doing well when you start getting replies from people earnestly explaining your own point to you, as if you didn't grasp it


How dare you be so arrogant as to think you know what you meant!?


Marie M.


The traditional Fediverse welcome 😭

Alan Langford

@Garwboy Can I just say how incredibly difficult it is to resist explaining the point of this post to you?

Thanks a lot, Godel.

Grrrr, Darth Moose Shark

@Garwboy Wow. Thank you for that.

I'm gonna steal that for next time someone tells me my daughter being autistic is a "fad diagnosis".

Serge from Babka


It's especially important to remember how new these diagnoses are.

The first person to be diagnosed with Autism died just a few weeks ago!

And it wasn't until 1968 that ADHD was added to the DSM.

Even after something is added to the DSM, it can take time for that classification to gain awareness and acceptance.

I was diagnosed with ADHD in 1984, and I remember even as a kid people how much "skepticism" it was met with.


It's especially important to remember how new these diagnoses are.

The first person to be diagnosed with Autism died just a few weeks ago!

And it wasn't until 1968 that ADHD was added to the DSM.


@serge @Garwboy

although the word "autism" wasn't used, it appears that the dis order was known in , at least, the early 1800s.

see also here, autism in the mid 1800s

and this notes how part of the increase in diagnosis is due to closure of "mental hospitals"

@serge @Garwboy

although the word "autism" wasn't used, it appears that the dis order was known in , at least, the early 1800s.

see also here, autism in the mid 1800s

Benny Powers 🇨🇦️🇮🇱️

@serge @Garwboy early concepts of ADHD go back a century (they called it "Acute brain dysfunction" - amirite?)

and in another century I *guarantee* you they won't be talking about it (or most likely by then, "them") the way they do now

shouldn't stop ADHD people from getting treatment though

Meow.tar.gz :verified:

@Garwboy That reminds me of the statement Trump made that went something like this, "Where's climate change? It's freezing cold here!" Somebody retorted, "I ate today. Where's world hunger?"


@Garwboy A great answer :-)

More on the practical side, I am reading Love and Autism by Kay Kerr.

A great book by an autistic person, I think. It is a very good read for everyone. We all meet, one way or the other, people with autism, and having a better grasp what makes them tick is good for all of us when we meet.


@Garwboy @Verso Reminds me of when we say things like, “We never wore helmets riding bikes when I was a kid, and I’m just fine!” Well, sweety, little Billy isn’t here to tell that little anecdote, is he?


@Garwboy oh no.... now they have to start a whole #MarsHoax agenda 😫

Matt Campbell

@Garwboy In biblical times, I bet some autistic people were considered demon-possessed.


@Garwboy oh my gosh yes. It's as if our existence is a static state at all times. We are learning so much about the natural world. We act as if we have it all figured out. Not even remotely.

Being an adult only recently diagnoses with ADHD, my parents never noticed even though every person they knew who saw me asked if I had ADHD. People are strange sometimes.

Neverfadingwood 🇺🇦

@Garwboy Spot on! Asperger's wasn't even a thing yet when I was at school. No wonder it wasn't diagnosed. Of course the name has fallen out of favour now, and rightly, in my view. I'm just "on the spectrum".

C. R. Collins


And all of us who *should* have been diagnosed back then in the "good old days" roll their eyes.


@Garwboy ... it's because we were told to stop doing whatever we were doing...



When I was young, I never saw Stormy Daniels?

Pamela N Red

@Garwboy in the old days they beat kids that didn’t conform to their idea of behavior. Being frightened into quiet submission was the norm.

Grouchig. Der Grummler.

@Garwboy JFTR: First photo from the surface dated back from 1976 (Viking probes), so you are adressing only 60+ people?

Jax UK


15 years or so ago I could quite often be heard to proclaim shit like "its just bad parenting!" or "its a con by big pharma" blah blah blah. God I would go back and slap myself if I could. I now have a diagnosis myself (diag at 42, now 48) and 2 autistic children (one adult, one teen). My grandson also being referred.

I wish it didnt take personal experience to open my eyes. Sadly, many people still touting that BS who never will.

Decker harrison

@Garwboy 👏👏
So Smug 💯 🤣🤣
Yet so 🦆ing True 👍

Dean Burnett (that brains guy)

If you enjoyed this observation and would like more of the same, as well as an abundance of accessible scientific info about #MentalHealth, you could do worse than checking out my book Psycho-Logical, which offers exactly that, in spades

Peter :antifa: 💉x4 🧷

@Garwboy I love this graph from this WaPo article:

A simple explaination would be that for some reason more left handed people were born. The correct one is that with the removal of the stigma more people admitted they were left handed.

Same today for ADHD, Autism, being Trans, being Homo-/A-/Pan-/Bi-sexual, …

An Obscure Tenet

@Garwboy “You also licked lead paint for fun, Steve, now stop drooling on my fucking TPS reports .”

Simon Brooke

@Garwboy No, we got sent to mental hospital.

Some of us survived it.


@simon_brooke @Garwboy
My heart goes out to you and everybody else. Deeply traumatic

Simon Brooke

@CoolBlenderKitten @Garwboy I'm kind of dark joking. When I was a kid in mental hospital there were only 30 places in the whole of Scotland for kids, so it wasn't by any means every autistic kid that was sent there. Whether I was 'lucky' or not... is I think impossible to tell.

But I do honestly believe that all the mental health trouble I've had all my life is a direct result of how my autism was handled in my first year in primary school.


@simon_brooke @Garwboy
Goodness. I am so sorry you had to go through this.
The whole school experience can be traumatic under the best conditions but if one is in any way different, lordy lord.
May you find peace, Simon. 💕

Simon Brooke

@CoolBlenderKitten @Garwboy it's a long, long time ago. What makes me angry is that there are kids it's still happening to.


@Garwboy And all those left-handed people just came out of nowhere when church stopped abusing kids for using their left hands.


@Garwboy That’s the whole point of human evolution, continual growth! And the definition of reactionary is to deny that evolution. We can’t afford to let the reactionaries win, especially on points of the planet’s survival!

AnotherDayInHell I'm pretty sure I used to fall into that way of thinking, then I realized pretty much exactly what you said. It works in reverse, too. People used to see dragons and faeries all of time, but suddenly stopped. Rather than the dragons and faeries up and leaving for no good reason, it's likely they never existed in the first place.

mofu mofu fumo
@Garwboy please dont make autism into a prize or award to win, you're making the world a worse place by doing so even if you don't mean to.

it's not an achievement to unlock it is something to transcend beyond.
Richard W. Woodley NO THREADS 🇨🇦🌹🚴‍♂️📷 🗺️

I don't understand why do those woke folk insist on increasing mankind's knowledge every generation. Everything we need to know is in the Bible. We can shut down all the science programs and medical schools and just read the Bible.


@Garwboy Was reading that with the Scott Seiss' angry IKEA guy theme. 😂


@Garwboy I'm in my mid 50's. The kid next door was severly autistic. He didn't go to the local public school & his parents didn't take him out & about in our small town. If you didn't live on the block, you probably didn't know he existed. Autistic kids tend to be a lot less isolated & integrated into the community these days.

My husbandhas undiagnosed ADHD., when he was a kid, bouncing off the walls, his parents would give him a paint brush & bucket of water & tell him to go paint the house.

ryan onstott

@Garwboy you never saw *gaslighting* either, but it sure as hell has existed since the beginning of humans

Mr. Encyclopedia

@Garwboy My favorite response has been "Oh so Uncle Bob who spent thirty years building a lavishly detailed model railroad in his attic was totally normal then?"

A Baby Ate my Dingo

@Garwboy The same with LGBT. They “didn’t know “ any LGBT, but ask them if there was an Aunt Beth or Uncle Gerald who never married and lived with a good friend.

I'm the fondude 🟥🟨

@Garwboy it's weird looking back at my old school reports and seeing the red flags, it's like we saw it, we just thought it was something else.


@Garwboy back then, the words and phrases for these kids were "unteachable", "problem child", "nerd", "freak", and "brain damaged".

Aviva Gary

@Garwboy I want to be able to yell this at people who earnestly say that from time to time... I envy you...


@Garwboy Your comparison makes no sense. Over diagnosis is a problem. It means finite resources to treat people are being diluted.


@snack @Garwboy is also means I don't have time to look at too many Mars photos!!! 😂 🤣 😂

:CApride: Suddenly a badger


In my day they referred to the 'tism as "old souls" or "mature beyond their years"... Go further back, changeling children

Gelt-Seeking Gastropod 🐚


We did have it. In a very distorted, sensationalistic, Very Special Episode kind of way. IIRC. So, like a cheesy velvet painting of Mars, and it only got dragged out of the attic once or twice a year. #GenX


@Garwboy "but i LIKE to see the photos from Mars!" 😂 🤣 😂


@Garwboy They used to call us changelings and sometimes made sure we died

SHODAN :nonbinary:

@Garwboy I'm not sure to be alarmed by this stuff or think we've turned a stone in acceptance of autistic people (Always seems to be some step where people just claim its a fad or not real)

Digital Medicine Peddler

@Garwboy I want to boost and favorite this toot so much...It breaks Mastodon! Too many people tell me something similar and I roll my eyes into the far flung cosmos. Replying with a simple question, "Never considered why certain people behaved in a particular way Sir/Ma'am?"

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