@theresnotime I wrote a short article for wikipedia a while back.

I submitted it for feedback. It was summarily deleted with zero comment and zero feedback.

I was pretty shocked. I asked in the forum what happened, and eventually they suggested I talk to the deleter.

Apparently it was not up to their 'standards' (which I knew). The deleter gave me some comments and I was like..."that's great, why didn't you tell me this instead of deleting it, and can you restore my draft so that I can implement your feedback?"

And they told me that in the morning they'd take a second look at it and see if there's anything in my draft worth "salvaging".

I told them not to bother and I'll never edit wikipedia again.

This isn't a unique problem, Stack Overflow, Quora, basically any user generated expertise systems with user moderation end up with anti-newbie policies which drive off new contributors.