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@ipg @12 I have felt this so hard recently as Iโ€™ve been building a media player through NixOS on a ten-ish year old 1l PC. Should probably just grab an ARM based thing.


@12 @ipg I have a heap of 1l/TinyMiniMicro PCs, and Iโ€™m trying to work out how viable they are for kiosks for a client. So I thought Iโ€™d build a Plex box through NixOS as part of testing.

12 Lilith it/its๐’€ญ๐’ˆน๐’ ๐’Šฉ

@sendai @ipg also plex box... we don't know much about plex but do you mean a renderer or a controller or....


@12 @ipg Ah, pardon me. Plex comes as a server that hosts the database and a web app, or you can point a player app at it. The various kiosk systems use a similar architecture, so I was working on building something thatโ€™d allow me to use cheap secondhand hardware for various clients.

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