@ipg@wetdry.world I've only once had an issue with sound tbh
Most normal PC Hardware works perfectly
Heck, it's better than Windows most of the time since, with Pipewire, you can do stuff like you would with JACK, and that's super useful

The only time I've heard of issues is on weird hardware setups, like Chromebooks or Macs
Honestly? I have no idea why chromebooks don't work
But Macs? I wouldn't blame that on Linux, given that Apple's audio stuff is proprietary and thus most of the stuff we know is reverse engineered - want better sound on Macs? pester Apple to make a Linux driver
Oh wait
That'll never happen because it's apple

The one issue I mentioned earlier was when I tried to do a52 encoding and due to my weird hardware setup for surround sound (HDMI to an Xbox One S, which then had optical to an amp and another HDMI cable to a projector) that didn't work - I still haven't fully worked out why it didn't however