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Stephen Bannasch (316 ppm)

@MeanwhileinCanada the only time I’ve ever seen a bald-faced hornet during the day that wasn’t aggressive is when they are chewing on old wood to collect the cellulose they use to make their nests! I did put an active nest right outside our front door to sleep at night once with CO2, knocked the nest into a trash bag, and moved it a mile away. That was scary — I didn’t know how long they would stay groggy! #BaldFacedHornet



Interesting. I was wondering why they are aggressive. We got hornets in our garden (in Europe), too, and I experience them as very gentle albeit curious beings that like to explore and are sometimes almost playful (sitting on finger/hand, taking off, sitting again...).
According to Wikipedia the #baldfacedhornet seems to be rather a sort of wasp which makes the aggression part a bit more plausible to me.

Stephen Bannasch (316 ppm)

@byteborg @MeanwhileinCanada If you bother them a group will chase you and they can string over and! It was cool to see a solitary one up close completely non-threatened by me. They are similar to Yellowjacket wasps which are a bit smaller and slightly less aggressive and live in nests they build underground.

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