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👩‍🦯The Blind Fraggle

One of the best posts I've seen on here was: "Mastodon is for what you love, not what you hate." I for one am devoted to keeping it that way.

beforewisdom 🖖


Really? The most traffic I have seen on Matodon have been people posting how horrible Threads is and how Meta should be ( I agree ) blocked.

After that the most frequent topic are the record breaking hottest days.

People aren't talking about what they love on Mastodon, they are talking about what they hate and fear.

👩‍🦯The Blind Fraggle

@beforewisdom Right, exactly! That's why I made this post, to remind people and tell them why I'm trying to distance myself from it.


@beforewisdom @Fragglemuppet You don't need to engage with those - there is no algorithm, all you see is timeline you made yourself.

You will dwell in garden of your design.

Byte Arcane

@beforewisdom @Fragglemuppet People **always** go tribal so it's expected that all other forms of social media will be trashed here...

👩‍🦯The Blind Fraggle

@ByteArcane Yes, but it's relentless. And everyone presents it as if we've never heard it before.

I promise you, we have. Soooo many times!

🥥 Tucker Carlson's Nuts 🥥

@beforewisdom @Fragglemuppet
🥥 I do hope that your experience of the #Fediverse will improve as you do more #hashtagging and following of people you like, @BeforeWisdom.
#Mastodon is Not Twitter. (MINT)
A good resource for creating a Mastodon more to your taste is -- or in your favorite browser. 🥥

Mar :purplecheck:

@Fragglemuppet That is one of the best quotes. Thank you for sharing.

Allen B. Skye

@Fragglemuppet I was just thinking that since I stopped using Twitter, I have no idea what nonsense folks like Charlie Kirk, Ben Shapiro, Candace Owens, etc are spewing. Or if I do see it here, it’s been filtered down to the point where I can get the gist of whatever thing they’re raging about but not actually be involved. It’s nice.


this is awesome I am sure the majority of us agree with you. I most certainly do. Thanks for sharing

👩‍🦯The Blind Fraggle

@Ttroika I'm really glad to see so many people agree! Guess this post did matter, after all.

But it's not really mine. I just reiterated it. I would've tagged the original poster if I remembered who it was. That's why I was surprised to see it get so much attention.

Brian Transplant

I feel the same way. I try to talk about Skastodon / Mastodon for what they are, rather than what they aren't.

I hope people are joining and federating because we're a good place to talk about good music, and not just because we're "not that other site."



The fact I do not hate anyone or anything. I post to be aware and pass it on of what ails US. Apathy must be nice?


@Fragglemuppet yeah that's right everyone; just keep the blinders on it's not like that's what got us here in the first place. 🙄

Sojourn :coffefiedyellow:

@Fragglemuppet unless you're super open minded, I don't think it's possible to keep your feed everything you like. Too many diverse people who will share wildly different things. It's a constant game of whack-a-mole.

👩‍🦯The Blind Fraggle

@shipp Oh, I share all kinds of things and have surely had my share of bad days that I'm not shy about posting about. It's not so much about being happy all the time. It's about keeping this a positive, peaceful space as it was when I got here, and people who delight in doomposting and doomscrolling, well, don't do that.

Mariani Soehartono

@Fragglemuppet @shipp Whenever I check trending posts, Matt Berninger's voice keeps wriggling in my ears:

I'll be over here
Lying near the ocean
Making ocean sounds
Let me know if you can come over
And work the controls for a while

Discussed ad nauseam: meta, threads, twitter, elon musk, russia, ukraine, republican, democrat, biden, trump.

I mean, if they wanna doompost, at least be more diverse: Yemen, or Myanmar, maybe?

@Fragglemuppet @shipp Whenever I check trending posts, Matt Berninger's voice keeps wriggling in my ears:

I'll be over here
Lying near the ocean
Making ocean sounds
Let me know if you can come over
And work the controls for a while

Discussed ad nauseam: meta, threads, twitter, elon musk, russia, ukraine, republican, democrat, biden, trump.

Rivanlee Anandar

@Fragglemuppet you know that the best thing to being here is seeing this app growing



I think it is human nature to discuss what moves you - good or bad - but I find that it’s easier to do both with people who have good intentions. And so I guess I’d say, it’s the good intentions that I love.

Byte Arcane

@Fragglemuppet The result of no algorithms to promote hate! Fearmongering and hate brings views which bring money, so if you don't optimise for money, fear/hate drops automatically and we get a more balanced reflection of society

in a similar vein I renamed "Doom-scrolling" to "Life-scrolling". the qualitative difference between what occurred on Twitter and happens on the Fediverse is night vs day.


@Fragglemuppet Here!Here! That is why I came over to the Fediverse as soon as I heard about it. The part that confuses me, however, is what app to use. Mastodon was the first to pop up in a search, but some how ended up at Still learning how this Fediverse world works and how to access it. It reminds me of accessing Tor, lol.

Iain MacLean
@loyalnewb @Fragglemuppet Are you on Android or iOS? On my iPhone I’ve been a dedicated Toot! user from the start, but Ice Cubes is nice and a lot of people like Ivory (although the free version has very limited functionality). Can’t help with Android.

@peterdrake @ShaniKom @Fragglemuppet One thing that is REALLY confusing me is, what is the difference between apps like Mastodon and Tusky? I am not sure what other apps there are for the fediverse.

Peter Drake, he/him, LFHCfS 🔥

@loyalnewb @ShaniKom @Fragglemuppet Others understand all of this much better than I do, but I believe:

Mastodon is one particular service in the fediverse; others include Pixelfed.

You can access Mastodon through a web browser.

There is an official Mastodon mobile app and other mobile apps like Tusky.

You *might* find an answer here:


everything listed on is mastodon. and some not on there are also mastodon. universeodon is mastodon. you're on mastodon.

mastodon is not a single site but software any willing admin can set up. that's why everyone's usernames are like email addresses. because there is no "one true mastodon" (despite how much eugen wants to push mastodon dot social as "the" mastodon)

(the real confusing parts begin when you encounter non-mastodon people talking to you. i'm not on mastodon for example)

everything listed on is mastodon. and some not on there are also mastodon. universeodon is mastodon. you're on mastodon.

mastodon is not a single site but software any willing admin can set up. that's why everyone's usernames are like email addresses. because there is no "one true mastodon" (despite how much eugen wants to push mastodon dot social as "the" mastodon)

(the real confusing parts begin when you encounter non-mastodon people talking...

Maria Karlsen
@LoyalNewb Hi and welcome to the Fediverse. What instance you're on is not a big issue, they are all connected across the Fediverse. As for a Mastodon app, Trunks and Megalodon are pretty good (Android).

@Fragglemuppet I would like to keep it that way, too, ma'am.

Santiago Lema :amiga:

@Fragglemuppet @tsturm I remember once thinking FB was for people you knew and Twitter for people you liked. Yes, it changed at lot since then :-)

The Geoff

@Fragglemuppet Similar to the difference between Facebook and Twitter at its best: "One is for communicating with people you know in real life but wish you didn't, the other is for communicating with people you don't know but wish you did."

Philipp Michel Reichold

@Fragglemuppet thst's why I make free use of the mute and block buttons as well as edit filters. Life is too short To do otherwise.

Bhante Subharo ☸

@Fragglemuppet The "Filters" feature - to hide posts with common keywords where negative, sensationalist, poorly-argued spew is virtually always wrapped around said keywords - is underrated.

I see far less of this sort of negativity you speak of this way. All of a sudden, Mastodon is much more of what I was wanting to see. 👍

If only for the sake of protecting our emotional well-being from being aggressively "janked" by this jarring, unwelcome, unproductive spam, "Filters" is indispensable.

Iain MacLean

@sbb @Fragglemuppet I also find using filters and muting particular words are good for ensuring endless posts and complaints about other social media don't clog my timeline. And also US politics (I live in New Zealand and it's mostly irrelevant). And there's so much of it!

Give me fans of stuff that excites them - even if I'm not particularly interested in it. Then I can blather on about why I love jazz and other cool music without people shouting 'Shut up Dad'.

☆⁠ Tყα 2️⃣ Ⓣⓨⓐ :welp:

What I luvvv about the mammoth tribe is that it resembles Walkers, the minds who long for a discovery, sense of oneness, freedom & peace, instead of authority & hierarchy. :emoji_wink:

Hello, hello, nice to meet you~
The lights call up our name
Hold me, let's escape this reality
I'm not gonna make it alone
To keep the pieces of us together :fsfe:


@Fragglemuppet man I hope it doesn't turn into twitter hate 2.0



So much bitterness on the public tl...

gavinisdie :troll:

@Fragglemuppet fuck, I just realized I spend most of my time here in political discussion


@Fragglemuppet Agreed! Sites like GAB are so anti Blacks and Anti Jews.
Enough already!!

Abhishek Bolar

@Fragglemuppet I haven’t really posted anything yet. But this is something I’ll keep in mind. Positive vibes only.Thank you 🙏


@Fragglemuppet @vincent I’ve seen here so much hate against groups of ppl and individual users … I hope this place is not changing into the same hellhole we tried to avoid


@Fragglemuppet Privacy influencers who sell & promote their own devices, self-name their own OS, tout themselves as being big on sites such as Odysee. They too, have own social media site on their degoggled devices. Use phrases such as '3-letter agencies' & ducking the 'Zucking'. All in the name of privacy the patrons delete their chats. Voluntarily? Dunno.

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