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Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

It's probably obvious to most of you, but a big difference between the commercial social media platforms and the fediverse is that as those commercial platform grow, they get additional revenue from ads, from selling personal information, and otherwise monetizing their users. While that is turning out to not actually pay the bills for them, in the fediverse, just about every instance is run by volunteers and funded by donations or out of the volunteers' pockets. It's a labor of love and a hope for a better future. When traffic grows, we need to expand our capacity.

That is why I am asking, if you are able, please consider donating to the instance you on to help keep the fediverse ecosystem going. Typically the /about web page will have details on how to donate.

Note: I am well aware that many of you are not in a financial position to donate - and that is OK. We are here to serve you as well. Donations are completely optional.

Major Hayden

@jerry You got some coffee from me, sir. I appreciate the hard work you're putting into it.

(Some of my favorite people are on your server.) 😉

Andres Jalinton

I'm forcing your hand a little:
What do you think about big instances, should be a limit on how many users per instance is good for the :fediverse:?
I'm grateful as always for your hard work maintaining a community.


@jerry I'm curious what an average account should donate annually to cover their server costs and keep the admin within sanity's grasp

Major Dumpster Fire :donor:

@jerry I remember this having come up before, but which donation method gives you the biggest cut?

Tony Meredith

@jerry @majdumpsterfire Just checking, do you think that's a better deal than settling down with Open Collective? Like this instance

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

@Tony_Meredith @majdumpsterfire I need to take a closer look, but I think OC takes 15%. I pay kofi a small annual fee and they take 0%

Major Dumpster Fire :donor:

@jerry Just glaced over their fee structure, based on my read the only way they don't take a 15% cut is if you set up a bank account that they can dump funds directly into, rather than them holding the funds themselves

Tony Meredith

@jerry @majdumpsterfire From where I'm sitting, I think I'm paying 5 UKP to my instance, plus a voluntary 0.30 contribution to OC. @Floppy

Kevin Mirsky :donor:

@jerry @majdumpsterfire Ooh, good to know, I just changed it over from Patreon accordingly.

Do you think it makes sense to put a star or something next to it in your profile?

Jay Cheroske

@jerry If more people understood enshittification, more people would be using the various Fediverse platforms. Once you see it you can't unsee it.

Sean :nivenly: 🦬

@jerry Not a member of but since I'm part of Fedia I've been subscribed since I migrated there from Reddit.

Thanks for all you do!

Rep Rap Ryn :3

@jerry I do this for @fosstodon . Couple of bucks a month. I am not against helping out the networks I'm part of. Open source projects need cash to keep going.

Light-years better than 11 dollars a month to be called slurs and subsidize a man child and his creditors.


@jerry that's certainly a hot take of mine but I think that if Twitter migrations caps at a certain size, it is probable that donations remain a sustainable model of keeping Mastodon alive and quality of communication to remain authentic and high. See


@jerry what kinds of costs go into maintaining an instance? As more and more people join how much does the cost increase? Is there a specific viewable number that (with current usage this month would need x donations)?

I apologize if this is sensitive data that shouldn't be shared. I am genuinely curious.

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

For many, the increases are not gradual, but rather step function increases in costs, and the amount will vary based on the instance and how they host their infrastructure. For, new servers range from $50 to $100 per month each and we have to add another one for about every 2000 active users.

Then there is the CDN. I pay about $300 per month for the service, but it is consumption based.

All told. I would say the costs are about $0.10 per month per active account, but there are many things that can influence it - and also recognize that only about 1/2 of 1% of active accounts make donations.

For many, the increases are not gradual, but rather step function increases in costs, and the amount will vary based on the instance and how they host their infrastructure. For, new servers range from $50 to $100 per month each and we have to add another one for about every 2000 active users.


@jerry Thank you for taking the time to answer. Looking forward to future updates / info


@Armetron @jerry

This is the latest quarterly report for It has details and available through a community hub found on the about page.


@Armetron @jerry

Also, even more details about #Mastondon as incorporated in Germany:

I couldn't find a 2022 Mastodon Annual Report.

Found the above through this more explanatory article about making the #Fediverse sustainable:

I'm really glad to see more admins raise attention to funding.

Surya Kuppuswamy

@jerry - Switched from Patreon to Ko-Fi. Thanks for all you do for us. All the best!

Eric Carroll

This is why I think the #coop model #CoSocialCa is using (amongst others) is the right approach rather than the pure donations model.

Donations tend to need deep pocketed contributors, and tend to turn into PBS pledge drives.

Coops have reasonable cost subscription, self-funding and self-governance all in one.

Tim Bray

@jerry @EricCarroll Yep, $50/year. We'll have room to do scholarships if/when we get big.

Eric Carroll

@timbray @jerry
You could also have tiered membership with a membership level that explicitly offsets N free members.

It's Just A Small Matter of Capacity Planning.



At some point.. Monetization always becomes an issue. I wrote a long post a while back, but, the tldr is I think it's important to have a credible non-profit structure for large corporate donors, a voting type body with a constitution that enforces minimum viable behaviors, which creates a reliable funding vehicle for large hosters.. To prevent a large corporation with millions of users federating and blowing away everyones budgets and ruining it all. Which now seems to be imminent.

Casual Observer :donor:

@jerry I support via Patreon, but would likely change if a larger cut can be found.


@jerry would you consider doing something like bay12games does for Dwarf Fortress donations and periodically let us know how you’re doing on the donation front?

Happy to chip in, just massively curious what it takes to keep the place humming along.


@jerry I first joined Twitter back in 2008, and finally canned it for good in January, when they blocked Tweetbot.

In those 15 years I never once knowingly gave them a single penny of my money.

Meanwhile, I've been on this instance since a week after I joined Mastodon, and have been paying €3 a month to help with the running costs ever since.

Funny how it goes, isn't it?

Wizard Bear (💉x6 + 😷)

@jerry This is all true and why I continue to donate to my instance. This is a very friendly place and we need to support the admins/moderators/infrastructure that keep it running. TY. H/T to @stux here at


@jerry @WizardBear :cat_hug_triangle: that means the world! :catblush:

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

@stux @WizardBear we are lucky to have you on the fediverse, Stux. We are all human (well, you’re a cat and I’m a llama, but you know what I mean).

Wizard Bear (💉x6 + 😷)

@jerry @stux Well, I guess I'm a gently flowing lava field then...Sincerely Stux, you are a great asset here. TY again.


@jerry @stux @WizardBear sends angry electrical signals through roots

Filip 🌱 ❄️ 🦀

@jerry @stux @WizardBear huge shout-out to both of you, Stux and Jerry! I am very proud and thankful to have met you both on this wonderful platform! Alongside all the other countless awesome people here!

May we always federate together!

Mason Chaste

@stux more than happy to support you — this is my alt account but still means a lot that it is here


@jerry how do I know who is the owner of mine?


@jerry gave what I could right now. I will donate more soon. Thanks dude for everything you are doing here.

bison ✅

@jerry you made me finally going to patreon and giving 1€ to @Mastodon
12€/year (~10€ when paying support annually) for a social media service that doesn't suck is actually a pretty good deal.

#patreon #mastodon #idomypart

Nona #DarkGranny

@jerry I set up a recurring donation to my server's admin - that's a simple way to do it (if you can afford to, of course)


@jerry it should be the culture here that if you are getting benefit and enjoyment here, to find if your admin has Patreon or something similar and sign up to give a couple buck or more monthly. The whole reason there are no ads and no algorithms is because of the servers, internet, etc. that the admins maintain. Don't be a #schnorrer with the admins!

BPlanZ :donor:

@jerry Done! Thanks for all you and admins and other individuals who help do.

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