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Eugen Rochko

Mastodon went from 1.2M active users last week to 1.8M active users this week. That's not 70M users overnight, but it's something! 🙂

Richard Azia

@Gargron mastodon doesn’t have a user base of 2 billion. Mastodon is a success. Threads is a farce.


@Gargron This is considered as a "twitter profile emergency", so. Is normal the number of active accounts here


@Gargron I check in on Threads every so often and its like "since you were last here, here's 500 posts of pure corporate garbage, 500 posts of people praising Zuck over Musk, and maybe a post from someone you follow?". And then I close it, come back here, and its quieter, but cozier, more local. Think I'll stick around for a while.

Reiner 🐻 :verified:

@Gargron „Size matters“, doesn’t it? Why is it important to get more and more and more people to Fediverse? Why? Why is it so difficult to embrace a small or decent size of users? Why? Is it because more users means more power?

M Ross

@Gargron I don't get why people want more users. Couple of million people to choose from is quite sufficient, thanks.


@Gargron even better if you do it with your own server.

D B Cooper

Maybe if Mastodon had the tv exposure on national news like Threads has… 🤷‍♂️

Roger Nield

@Gargron and its not about the number of your engagements but the quality. Here folk can vote with their key-strokes.
Best of all I’ve had more top interactions in the past 48hrs than in previous months. I’m lining the ‘Don.,


@Gargron either way it's a massive L for Twitter and Elon

☆⁠ Tყα 2️⃣ Ⓣⓨⓐ :welp:

@Gargron impressive! A sweet comeback for me as well :blobmiou:

It'd be better if you bring the mammoth tribe some more improvements.

For example, the account migration that still doesn't let its members move their followers, toots & replies into another instance.

Waiting for the day when I'll be able to do so without losing half of my data. :catjam:



You created a wonderful space herearound, I'm really grateful for it! I see that it would be an overwhelming success for you to get 70M people over night, but setting rules that makes this place a human-friendly, naturally growing space is an achievement far beyond what numbers can express. Thank you. 🙏 💝



And no-one profiting on your data over here.


@Gargron I just joined it ... & u are on the top in the feed


@Gargron from what I see, it's copy pastes from twitter and people who are upset with twitter. I see more twitter this, twitter that on here than anything.


@Gargron we shouldn't aspire to 70m overnight or we risk the most important thing about fedi: fedi culture.

This is a Tortoise and Hare story IMO.

Growth at *interpersonal speed* is what we need. We don't need to compete because we've already won, but growing too fast is one way we can lose.

Rage Rumbles 🏴‍☠️🫂 🔞

@Gargron If Mastodon ever has 70 million users then it will have a proportional increase in assholes. I can live without that.

📄 Mehdi.doc

@Gargron The entire Fediverse is growing, and engagement with it.

Ω 🌍 Gus Posey

@Gargron You'll also notice that none of them lost their souls.


@Gargron anyone here on Bluesky ? I need invite code to join :/

Tim Irwin

@Gargron Justin King had a nice review on his channel. That is what caught my eye and lend to my enrollment. Perhaps others?

Neysa Nevins

@Gargron my #science and #compchem peeps tried out #Mastodon Nov/Dec 2022 but went back to Twitter and are still active users. Machine learning #ML algorithms really do seem to work for curating content. Half the posts I see here are descriptions of how folks use Mastodon. I’m still here because I hope eventually the #Fediverse works for connecting accounts from different platforms and there are a few interesting accounts but no one I actually know still uses it :(


@Gargron It is sometimes a blessing in disguise that somethings drive off people for being too complicated (Although it isn't). This ensures a level of quality. It will be like earlier days when more sensible people dominated the internet because it was seen as technical.

Rivanlee Anandar

@Gargron as long as Mastodon can be the alternative choice between twitter/threads, the number will keep growing


Facebook/Meta had a base of millions to start with. The ability of those millions to hit a key and voila be a member of Threads isn't getting the proper acknowledgement.
In other words Meta is cooking the books to look like a sudden massive influx took place. It's disingenuous and frankly a lie. So what's new.


@Gargron very complicated situation with a servers...
Unusual to me


@Gargron Probably more intentional too, and not just people zuckered into having an instagram photo sharing account.

nik0 :blobcatcoffee:

@Gargron Thats something to be proud of. I've been noticing the hashtags and likes here getting bigger and bigger.

Fidel Orozco

@Gargron Better active users that millions of alt-right hate spreading infecting other social networks

Chris Pirillo

@Gargron's not about the size of the user base, it's about the depth of connections you help make for them. As such, Mastodon will always be a winner!

Sue Wemyss

I like the name, Mastodon, as I'm into ancient history.


@Gargron I'm happy to hear that! I came to the conclusion that it's ok to be part of communities that aren't the biggest, bc in some way it actually makes them more authentic! I like what Mastodon has to offer, compared to the big algorithm platforms.


@Gargron I'm new to Mastodon too, only joined a few days ago and trying to find my feet.

I'm sure it will go from strength to strength.


@Gargron Now I just wish Mastodon adopted the Elk app UI over the current default UI to actually have similar a friendly UI and UX as Twitter that was already refined over a decade ;) It would smooth adoption.


@Gargron but how will this network survive without corporate brand accounts shitposting


@Gargron ✋new here, how does this work? not like actually the 1’s and 0’s but what’s the point of this app? i was curious because i saw “threads by instagram” mentioned this place? app? social network? idk.


@Gargron quality over quantity! Always 😂


@Gargron one step at a time.. also eventually people will realize proprietary social media is about vacuuming up as much data as possible. so algorithmically generated ads can be algorithmically suggested, after the “deep state” or whatever people call it. algorithmically determines weather or not said user is to be deemed a nonperson or not, will then hopefully click on said ad.


@Gargron And it was done without attaching established Instagram accounts into the number count!


And none of the Mastodon accounts were autogenerated by the parent company in order to ensure there was an initial spike in account numbers…

Fritz Jr

@Gargron I'll take privacy over active user counts any day.

Admin #FRL

@Gargron and when you’re from #Friesland (or close ;) I know just the spot ;)

𝐇𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐤𝐞

@Gargron Неплохо. Так же хорошо, что есть перевод текста на другие языки. Но хотелось бы функцию « количество просмотров» , а так же предложение других пользователей при подписке на конкретного пользователя по теме



What's your take on this?

Why threads work and mastodon didn’t?

Eugen Rochko

@lonewolf If every Instagram user saw a prompt in their app to install Mastodon, I'm sure we'd see similar numbers.

Jesse Baer 🔥

@Gargron Ok but when are you and @kainoa gonna start trading schoolyard insults?

Garret :bongoCat:

@Gargron When are we getting that algorithmic feed where I can see my favorite brands talking cute at each other? That’s something that could really help.

Pedro Silva

@Gargron considering there isn't a multi billion dollar company behind, that's actually amazing achievement! 🍻

Jiří Kýr

@Gargron ale já jsem někde četl, že má sedm miliónů uživatelů

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