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Fedilab Apps

We are working to add the ability to follow #Lemmy instances (ie: pin timelines).
You will be able to interact with your Mastodon accounts. It will work like other followed instances. #Fedilab

Luis Carlos

@apps What will happen with Threads if it federates?

Fedilab Apps

It will first display main subjects, then by clicking on a subject, you will have comments.
At this state, nothing is federated with your instance.
But if you decide to make an action on a Lemmy message (comment, reply, boost, fav, etc.), only the current message and the Lemmy account (author) will be federated with your instance.
So, it won't overload your instance.

Luis Carlos

@apps aH ok I see. What will happen with other nets such as KBin, Calckey and the new Threads app?

noodlejetski :verified_gay:

@apps will it only show the posts in the timeline? my problem with following a Lemmy community with a Mastodon account is that it results in all the comments made in that community boosted to my timeline without any context.

Fedilab Apps

If it's a comment, we will see if the message of the OP is also federated. If not, we will see how it's possible to get the context federated (subject and replies related to the message).


Yeah created an account on a lemmy instance cuz seeing it from masto was a total mess

flower 🌻

@apps Weee, you guys are amazing, thank you for the hard work!


Cool ! I'm already interacting with Fedilab on Lemmy instances, the most challenging part being creating posts (I haven't succeeded yet)
Thank you for your work, the application is undoubtedly the best one I've tested for browsing the Fediverse !
(hopefully, one day we might also have support for ? 🙏)

Dawn Tåke 🌙:sparkletrans:

And the other question, will this work with Kbin too, or is that a whole other kettle of fish?

Fedilab Apps

If API is similar, it will work. But we will introduce tests to be sure. Bookmarked.

Dawn Tåke 🌙:sparkletrans:

From what I've read, I'm not 100% sure Kbin has an API yet. Y'all would be the first with an app not in beta for it if you got it to work though.


@Tourma @apps yeah the API is iffy. I actually went to build a flutter app for kbin and it is not 100 percent yet.

talou ⏚

Thank you so much. Fedilab will proudly hold his name

Soliman Hindy

@apps Do you plan to add kbin instances as well?


I'd prefer #kbin. Lemmy dev and their main instance have shown some really bad attitudes.

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