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@gamesbymanuel @Illuminatus by that logic it's not stealing to go into a cinema or a theme park without a ticket because you don't own the theme park if you pay for a ticket


@peter @gamesbymanuel There is a serious problem with literacy, because you are not the first to not understand the difference between the media and the experience and how platforms are destroying the former to garden-wall the latter.


@Illuminatus @gamesbymanuel if you personally find it morally or ethically acceptable to pirate content, that doesn't make it not stealing it just means you're okay with some form of stealing. Which to be clear, I'm not saying that I don't support piracy I just support calling it what it is, which is stealing


@peter @gamesbymanuel Say I acquire a game with DRM from a platform. Is it stealing if I use a workaround to deactivate it even if the law says so and I have paid for it? Would it be if I got that game on my own physical media instead of leaving it "in the cloud" to download it whenever I want, until I couldn't because of "reasons"?


@Illuminatus @gamesbymanuel generally when you buy a game these days you're purchasing a license to access the content under specific circumstances. So it's as much stealing as it is to buy a ticket to a film then record it to watch again later rather than paying to view it again. Again I'm not saying that's how things SHOULD work

Manuel Correia

@peter @Illuminatus So you're agreeing that when you buy a digital game nowadays, you don't own it. That's the issue here.


@gamesbymanuel @Illuminatus yes, I agree with that. But it doesn't make it not stealing to circumvent that.

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