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"The most important part about job search is first finding yourself" no, the most important part is that I pay my rent and don't starve to death

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A* Ulven :verified_blobcat:

@schratze a quote straight out of LinkedIn

"People don't quit bad jobs, they quit bad bosses"

Yeah, or maybe your coworkers were bullying you, or maybe some company paid you more, or maybe your mum is dying and you had to travel thousands of kilometers to care for her


@schratze If you don't find yourself, you won't know what to put into your apartment and where to put the food, though.

Thus, the first step to not starving is finding your mouth.

@schratze ahem. Wring again.

The most important part is that hour future ceo can afford an extreme experience such as deep sea diving or space flight. On private unregulated crafts of course.
:googlyeye: Stlex :googlyeye2:

@schratze look deep inside yourself. the job has been there all along. the job is you


@infernusgoatus @schratze that’s only applicable for people like steve jobs i think


@schratze i *guess* i can get what they're getting at, but it only really applies if you're looking for a better job while already having one

also like, for example in my case my mental health implodes harder than the submarine if i end up in a job that isn't at least in some way engaging, so applies in that way too i guess

Inken Paper

@schratze who tf writes this stuff?

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