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Johann Sebastian Staedtler 🇨🇦

Hypothesis: The Fediverse consists almost entirely of adults.

I expect most youths are drawn to the large corporate social networks; but those of us who took the effort to come here have likely experienced the Internet before most of those existed.

Of course, the only way to test this is by collecting data using the most scientifically rigorous method available to me: a Mastodon poll, lol

(I expect this will only reach English-speaking Fedi, but do boost if you're able)

⬇️ What is your age? ⬇️

Anonymous poll


Less than 18 years old
18 to 27 years old
28 to 39 years old
40 or more years old
34,971 people voted.
Voting ended 9 Jul 2023 at 17:26.
Boba [.ART mod]

@jsstaedtler Other similar polls have shown fedi trends older. A lot of people here wanted to "go back" to a type of social media the kids never got to experience. They weren't on forums, and they weren't on Twitter in 2013.

Johann Sebastian Staedtler 🇨🇦

@TapiocaPearl I was certain this has been done before, but I didn't know where to even begin trying to find it. And this felt like it would be more fun anyway 😅

Meanwhile, it would be amazing to see how the demographics might have shifted since early last year...

Johann Sebastian Staedtler 🇨🇦

Regarding the choice of age ranges: my first intention is to separate adults from not-adults, so I picked age 18 as the threshold.

But beyond that, I'm kind of interested in the generational demographics. Gen Z is roughly as old as age 27, after which are Millenials. And the divide between them and Gen X is somewhere in the early 40s, but for simplicity I'm just using 40 as the cut-off.

If I could have more than four poll options, I would have been much more deliberate and precise, but shrug

Granny Art (Shrimp) (Joni)

@jsstaedtler Ah. Ok. I'm 52. I know several people here older than me!


@jsstaedtler I'm 54, my mother was born in 1928 (I think some of the Earp's were still alive), she had me late, I'm the youngest of eight. She, I guess, was one of "the (I originally wrote "Lost" but meant) Silent Generation", so as her child, not sure what that makes me... are these "gens" based on the gen that birthed you or just the period you lived through.... There's nuance in all that I guess... 🤔

Deborah Hartmann Preuss, pcc 🇨🇦

@jsstaedtler I do see a lot of >50 here :-) but that's for another poll :-)
Me: >60 \o/


@jsstaedtler perhaps the 30+ remember "small" social websites like old school fb or myspace/ bebo. Resonates?

Mx Lottie 💜:autistic:​🇯🇲ΘΔ

@Gsmithy @jsstaedtler under that even, 29 and gosh I loved bebo, and before that we had a web ring on freewebs sites.


@jsstaedtler I'm not far off 60!
Started on computers in 1979 and on the Internet in 1995.


@jsstaedtler @jan I like how I just fall off the cliff at the end. Over 40 and you’re pretty much just dead already

Johann Sebastian Staedtler 🇨🇦

@whiteice I went with 18 and up (the North American age of legal independence).


@jsstaedtler I’m 17! I came here on 4th November 2022, so…

Abe T. Alien

@jsstaedtler This is the first time I've ever had to pick the highest age category in a poll/form.

I feel like dust!

Johann Sebastian Staedtler 🇨🇦

@pug50 It turns out I can't vote in my own poll, but I would be there with you!


@jsstaedtler i'm less than 18 years old and know four other people in my age range who are also on fedi, so your hypothesis may be correct

(also if there's anyone my age around here and the topics we post about intersect in any way, feel free to tag me below)

Johann Sebastian Staedtler 🇨🇦

@7331 I hope there's a path to getting younger people on here. Right now I fear that the teens and young adults who are active on Fedi may just get drowned out by interests of older people.

But then again, being one of those oldies, I may not be aware of the positive spaces that do exist for younger folk...


@jsstaedtler idk, all younger people ( < 25) that I know of are part of the same small community of fedi weirdos that I've come to love
We aren't a lot but our community is very comfy and we're also not actively losing people so I guess things are fine


@jsstaedtler @7331 I'm under 18, and that's a huge fear I had joining the fediverse judging from my past experiences. Overall, if you do get a good server, it's still pretty interesting!


you also seem to be pretty new here, so welcome!
also i guess i'll follow you

dopey (they/them)

@jsstaedtler looks like the younger adults have increased. I remember a poll a while back where the highest was 30+ and the second highest was 40+.

That could still go back down when a bunch of the new younger birdsite migrants decide not to stay.

Meow.tar.gz :verified:

@jsstaedtler It's a valid premise because there's nothing advertising the to youth. If we as parental units and teachers show them all of what they can do in the fediverse, there's no reason why it would not appeal to youth. Just that fact that it is ad free might tip it in their favor.


@ablackcatstail @jsstaedtler people don't usually choose social networks based on their teachers' recommendations :p

:blobhaj_default: TJ

@jsstaedtler Hey now, I’m here to avoid demographic scraping 😝.

sarah 🦦

@jsstaedtler i was only an adult by 12 days when i came onto fedi, does that count ?

Johann Sebastian Staedtler 🇨🇦

@SRAZKVT Under the eyes of the law, and other forms of pedantry, it does indeed!

Robbie 🇧🇪 :tux:

@jsstaedtler Lucky. If there were more children, fascists would accuse us of grooming them to be nice people ;)


@jsstaedtler I think the technical skills and financial ability needed to set up an instance is also a hurdle for them. It's not as easy as setting up a discord server for your friends.

There aren't any kid friendly spaces on the fediverse where you can avoid adults and do stupid teenager stuff.

Peter Bindels

@jsstaedtler I just got Lego for my 40th birthday. Does that make me an adult or not?


@jsstaedtler Here's the results of a poll that I ran several months and waves of migrations ago:

It will be interesting to see how this has changed over time!

Johann Sebastian Staedtler 🇨🇦

@McNeely Awesome, thanks for sharing this! And yes, I do indeed want to know how they've been shifting

James Graham

@jsstaedtler Thanks for making 40+ the oldest category to make me feel ancient! 🙃

Simon Müller :sparkles_trans:

@jsstaedtler Hah, I'm 17 and am glad to report that Mastodon has been great ever since I joined.


@jsstaedtler come on old people, I need this win! Go go go 40+ ! 😅

Miss Fidget

@jsstaedtler maybe folks don’t need to know how many underage users are here 🤷


@jsstaedtler Wow, I thought Mastodon trended older, but it’s even older than I thought.

Deborah Hartmann Preuss, pcc 🇨🇦

@Kyleric @jsstaedtler Mastodon is even *wiser* than you thought! (I fixed it for you ;-> )
- granny

Profoundly Nerdy

@jsstaedtler I think you're correct. Most of that has to do with social pressure to engage with your peer via whatever platform is popular with a given demographic. People are used to thinking in terms of platforms and the Fediverse == email of social media metaphor doesn't translate well under a certain age.


@jsstaedtler currently 18, but I had joined fedi multiple times since 2018 (I left because I couldn’t really find anyone then). You could very well be right.

rin ft ?!system

@jsstaedtler nearly 23 here—experienced the *very *tail-end of the 'old internet' when rather young, it's been... certainly interesting to grow up knowing about and having seen parts of how things were before major social media services exploded into the mainstream, but never really having fully experienced it

Diane 🕵


There are a bunch of legal and social issues about allowing kids online.

There's a bunch of opinion pieces blaming social media or phones for teens increasingly severe depression.

Technically in the US almost all social media sites ban under 13 year olds, and several states are trying bans for teens as well.

My personal and immediate experience suggests parents a bit more comfortable with letting their kids into limited group chats or video calls with known participants than being thrown into the public internet.


There are a bunch of legal and social issues about allowing kids online.

There's a bunch of opinion pieces blaming social media or phones for teens increasingly severe depression.

Technically in the US almost all social media sites ban under 13 year olds, and several states are trying bans for teens as well.


@alienghic @jsstaedtler kids are still using the internet, just much worse platforms

Diane 🕵

@aronkvh @jsstaedtler

Yeah technically all the big data harvesting companies ban users under 13. But as that's how most parents know how to socialize online a lot of families just lie about their kids age and everyone but congress looks the other way

Though among my kids friends I noticed seemed to have pretty open access to apple facetime with known people instead of social media accounts.

Tag365 🦨

@jsstaedtler So what age range are you talking about when you say that they "have likely experienced the Internet before most of those existed?"


@jsstaedtler been in the third option made me feel old…


@jsstaedtler might be selection bias but I've seen other polls saying similar. Anecdotally I can say older people who experienced the internet before it got monopolised by the big tech companies yearn for the simplicity that mastodon provide

Alice :neocat_trans_cute:‮

@jsstaedtler I'm never sure which named generation I'm in, but at least here I neatly fell into a range!

Johann Sebastian Staedtler 🇨🇦

@alice Sometimes I'm derided for being a Millenial, and other times for being Gen X, so I think I know how you feel?

Alice :neocat_trans_cute:‮

@jsstaedtler well, I'm not being derided, it's just like "this one is from whatever year to my birth year, and this one is from my birth year to whatever", and like - ok, which one it is then?

Lumerinal :verified_gay:

@jsstaedtler Honestly it feels it I'm the youngest here, I'm 15 and I don't find any younger teens here, especially highschoolers

Most of the teens I know use Instagram and only one of them uses twitter.


@jsstaedtler I’m 69 years old. I’m surprised that there isn’t a category with a tombstone and a Grim Reaper. 😉 🪦 👻
P.S. 40 year olds, you’re in my group. 🤣


@MissPixiePancake @jsstaedtler glad you posted that, at 60 and scrolling was beginning to think I was the oldest lol.

Queen Lilaerys

@jsstaedtler 30 years old. But it doesn't strike me as a matter of maturity. There are people in their 40s and 50s who I would never expect to see here. And although I really enjoy the vibes here, I have also seen some people acting incredibly immaturely, regardless of their age.


@jsstaedtler I’m in the 18-27 category and I definitely feel part of the minority here. Occasionally find it hard at times to fit in when almost everyone is 10+ years older than you.

Of course everyone is nice but it’s really hard to relate at times.

tequt I grew up with Facebook and YouTube, only started getting into other more popular social medias in my demographic at age 16-17, it was challenging though quick to adapt to this new platform.
Luna :circleA:

@jsstaedtler Yeah, this is the oldest social media. Makes me feel alone

Baruch Katz

@jsstaedtler I would not allow my children on here because a lot of servers allow full nudity. Other parents probably feel the same. That may be another factor in the lack of children.

Joshua A.C. Newman

@jsstaedtler @TabletopBellhop I’m a teacher. Instagram use is very high among my kids, as is Discord. According to them, Facebook is for confused old people, Twitter is for famous people. Only Insta and Discord are about seeing your friends.

feli i accidentally voted my age when i registered (which is like 5 years ago or so), guess it still fits the purpose ​:blobcatgooglyshrug:​


@jsstaedtler I think you'll find that the Internet at large is composed almost entirely of children, regardless of their age.

F00F/Eris :lowResBlobCat:☯️

@jsstaedtler almost 20, but I discovered the fediverse as a middle schooler!

Marty Ballard :verified:

@jsstaedtler 52 and offended that 40+ was the highest iteration! LOL

David Lohner

@jsstaedtler @rstockm Thats why we need to bring students into the fediverse!

Extreme Electronics

@jsstaedtler Experienced before the internet was invented, would be more accurate :)


because i don't consider "18-27" to be fine grained enough, my input here

i'm in the range of 18<=x<=19, and i was definitely born long after the centralisation of the internet. i was raised on discord and instagram

the fediverse interest came from open-source interest, which came from linux interest, which came from trying to get discord running on my chromebook despite school access restrictions, ironically

discord was its own end


@jsstaedtler slight issue with the fact that most progenitors nowdays understand some degree of the internet and throw their kids to places which have an apparent level of moderation that's barely above "we won't show obvious porn to your children easily, promise" and are known to the general public as they left their internet superficial shenanigans in 2013.

Rage Against Leaves

@jsstaedtler The official app needs to add hashtag following. Its hurting this place so fn bad and I really dont get why they had another release wo it.

We can get more growth and even the results out but that needs to be fixed. The trending tab... doesnt always have interesting trends and if people cant connect theyll just leave.

I know its not related to the poll but it would help more people stay and Ive really put some effort into getting people here.

Paul Schoonhoven 🍉

@jsstaedtler when I was still on Twitter my daughter called that a place full of dinosaurs. 😅

Tomáš Sobel

@jsstaedtler That were exactly my thoughts for few days!!

an object in space

@jsstaedtler Well, I guess I am old then, but you're right, most youth oday know how to do things with computers I wasn't able to do at their age, although I think being five in 2005 is a reasonable time to start doing what they could, however, I didn't, times here were always ten or fifteen years backwards. So, I got to experience the golden ages of playing outside and having fun. Most people today, at least over here don't care about privacy. In fact, most want to have likes, followers, etc. Even those that are my age. I am not a firm believer of studies, simply because they can't take surveys or study the whole world, we're too many for that to hapen. there are always people that are left out. And then, statistics do not prove things firmly, or with the best precision, but an estimate won't be bad. :)

@jsstaedtler Well, I guess I am old then, but you're right, most youth oday know how to do things with computers I wasn't able to do at their age, although I think being five in 2005 is a reasonable time to start doing what they could, however, I didn't, times here were always ten or fifteen years backwards. So, I got to experience the golden ages of playing outside and having fun. Most people today, at least over here don't care about privacy. In fact, most want to have likes, followers, etc. Even...


@jsstaedtler yeah it definetely feels like everyone I come across is 30+. and no one I know irl is on fedi. still fun, but it means it can't replace $social

Hunter Gough 🍦🌹

@jsstaedtler furthering your hypothesis: Mastodon somehow appeals to users who remember usenet, and is unappealing to users who don't.

Jo Wow, these results are truly shocking to me. I thought there would be more people close to my age here but damn 3% is crazy.

Alexander Shendi


I couldn't find the category "almost dead ☠️", so I choose "over 40".


@ladyteruki @jsstaedtler this is a very interesting data set! Voted and boosted


@motoridersd @jsstaedtler : I wonder if the set age ranges have something to do with, as opposed to the perceived generation. Or if it's simply that the two polls didn't reach the same people.


@ladyteruki @jsstaedtler reach is probably going to be different. The "generation" ranges I put in are similar to the way people will fall in these age ranges

Johann Sebastian Staedtler 🇨🇦

@motoridersd @ladyteruki I was born in Gen X, but my life experience has been Millenial (I don't even like grunge). So I've always had a hard time understanding the generational boundaries. I chose to use age ranges in the hopes it would prevent most arguments.

But my big takeaway here is that there are very few under-18 users, and I think that's a big part of why Fedi feels different compared to Twitter, Insta, Tumblr, etc. (although I wouldn't say whether it's better or worse for it).

Yori :ffxivmsq_comp:

@jsstaedtler I'm 37. I experienced the internet through things like mIRC and forums as a youth. So I find it pretty cozy here.


@jsstaedtler Do I have to answer that? Makes me feel old... 😉

emi :heart_trans: :heart_bi:
@jsstaedtler holy shit i was expecting less than 18 to have MUCH more than 3% . i guess im in tha minority alksdhsajkfhdajsghkh
Chimmie Firefly 💙💜🤍

@jsstaedtler 17 tbh

Although finding the Fediverse is harder than a establishing connection to I2P.

@jsstaedtler This is one of my main issues here, I’d be so glad to adopt the fediverse as the only form of social media I use, but my age group refuses to join it for some reason…


@jsstaedtler Also, we never had life before corporate social media, but we never bothered with corporate social media, either. We signed up here when we were 19 or so.


@jsstaedtler My 16yo and I were talking about this over lunch. I mentioned recently joining and while she heard of mastodon, she was uninterested because she sees it as primarily adults.


@jsstaedtler Being in the second to oldest group makes me feel old.

David Perris And I reckon most of the devs and admins are at the younger end


@jsstaedtler I am really surprised by the early results, didn’t expect so many young people 😳


@jsstaedtler Mastodon does feel like exploring and discovering web 1.0 sites through links instead of search engines.


@jsstaedtler Given the nature of the way I use, curate follow and prune social media:

"The Fediverse" consists of mostly adults, and good bunch they are, However, ANY human with the ability to respectfully, humourously or succinctly express fundamental truths about themselves, the world, media, society or art is welcome in my timeline regardless of age.

Doko Gorilla

@jsstaedtler I've been on the internet since I was literally around 6-7 years old--around 2002.

Still recall the far less centralized days when I'd go on all sorts of forums. Not to stir up trouble, of course, but just to find places with people of similar likes.

Anyway, I'm 28, just for the sake of categorization! But I've been on Masto since around 2018, just not as actively as since 2020ish onward.


@jsstaedtler @stux I’m 53 and most definitely a GenXer

chjara :hakasenyan: :verified:
@jsstaedtler i've been here since i was 14 and i've seen plenty of minors around

@jsstaedtler Those young people here might feel shocked seeing the results 😉


@jsstaedtler as a 27 yo about to turn 28, your age categories make me feel pain 😅


@jsstaedtler так и думал, что большинство это старые пердуны, которые еще помнят Fido и прочие BBS

Ondřej Kolín

@jsstaedtler how am I in the lower half of this? This is very disturbing news. 😑


@jsstaedtler Wow, I didn't expect your thesis to be so accurate.
I'm actually a bit surprised.
I thought younger people would be a bit more involved in technical stuff and more aware of what is good and what is bad about social media.

Niamh (LeedsBookClub)

@jsstaedtler @wiredfire I think this poll is necessary and vital. I also hate this poll.

Rage Against Leaves

@drneevil @jsstaedtler @wiredfire I dont want this place to be full of minors but I also dont want it to be like it is rn and we can do better.

Niamh (LeedsBookClub)

@rageagainstleaves @jsstaedtler @wiredfire Oh no! I’m afraid that I’m lowering the tone of this conversation considerably.

I mostly meant that while participating in this poll was a good exercise, it made me feel old.

Niamh (LeedsBookClub)

@rageagainstleaves @jsstaedtler @wiredfire Im old! Make it not so!!!

But I’d like to be an ally. I reckon we can make it work!

Wiredfire :BA:

@drneevil @rageagainstleaves @jsstaedtler eh, I’m 42 (Don’t Panic) and am fairly sanguine about it. But then I still think young, kinda. I’m not stuck in my ways or immovable of opinion. Though now Reddit has gone all.. yeah.. I’ve lost my access to youth lingo..!

Niamh (LeedsBookClub)

@wiredfire @rageagainstleaves @jsstaedtler Dude, I’m the most pathetic age of all.


A year away from wizdom and needing a towel.

Wait, that last looks wrong…

Niamh (LeedsBookClub)

@rageagainstleaves @jsstaedtler @wiredfire But also, I’m the product of a generation that saw us exactly and solely as a demographic to be exploited.

There is no harm in having a haven for the non-young. We can support and assist our younger kin. We can be the respected older siblings, as it were.

But I’ll be damned if I’ll ever be looked at the way I look at those boomers/gen X who saw us purely as a product to be sold to and bought. Screw that shit.

Mᴀʏᴀ :bc:

@jsstaedtler I don't know if that's fair. Twitter was always (well, maybe not always but still...) preferred by older generations. As well as Facebook. A fair comparison world be a Instagram or TockTock alternatives on the Fediverse when they take over. What I mean by that is basically when they become a newsworthy topics like Mastadon because if @pixelfed is mostly known from inside the Fediverse (people coming to Mastadon hear about it from Mastadon) you see the problems with the data.
What I'm saying is I do believe Fediverse is mostly adults but not for the same reason you suggest here.

@jsstaedtler I don't know if that's fair. Twitter was always (well, maybe not always but still...) preferred by older generations. As well as Facebook. A fair comparison world be a Instagram or TockTock alternatives on the Fediverse when they take over. What I mean by that is basically when they become a newsworthy topics like Mastadon because if @pixelfed is mostly known from inside the Fediverse (people coming to Mastadon hear about it from Mastadon) you see the problems with the data.
What I'm...


@jsstaedtler I’m a bit surprised at how many “older” folks are here. I thought it would mostly be kids and very young adults (18-23 roughly), but many folks are older than me (late 30s here). Glad to see a real diverse group of folks, in terms of age.

Stu Duerson


You really have to expand the poll with a question and a subquestion.

5) 70 or more years old, and

5a) Really? Are you still alive?

砂漠人 :hyogo: x 🏜️

@jsstaedtler I bet most of us remember dial up ISPs, Prodigy, Compuserve or even calling into BBS systems back in the day.


@jsstaedtler hah. My youngest can hardly be bothered. She has IG and TikTok and Snapchat but really it’s Discord where she spends most of her time. My son says he spends too much time on TikTok. They both dislike Twitter. FB is for old people but universities / clubs nearly force you to use it.

Staid Winnow


A guess: most (> 50%) denizens were born between 1956 and 1982.


@jsstaedtler in my experience, most of those in their teens and twenties are on Discord not mainstream media platforms.

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