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@drq It is pretty great :)

It even has easy to use passive (push) mode! And nice looking public status page.
Dr. Quadragon ❌

@shuro I only wish it was also able to monitor and graph a bespoke number it finds on a page.

Like, you can write a simple api that shows, for example, disk space in percents or RAM usage, with just one value. And you just put it on there.

That'd be nice.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@shuro And also it usses Apprise for XMPP notifications, where support is virtually nonexistant really. Probably will need to write some kind of webhook to get it working.

@drq Well, it has Prometheus support... :)

Anyway I use "push" monitoring for that. It can be called with "ping" parameter which it graphs. Not ideal for many cases but can be useful not just for pings but say for DB query response time.
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