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Bob Thomson

@gamesbymanuel @drulum @Illuminatus think the problem is when you pay for a song/album or movie, those old enough equate it to paying for the physical media version so expect ownership as long as the medium is useable.

Bob Thomson

@drulum @Illuminatus @gamesbymanuel streaming more like joining a great paid for library and they randomly stop stocking books for some tax writeoff.

Bob Thomson

@drulum @gamesbymanuel @Illuminatus including coming to your house and taking the book you are currently reading from your hands.

Calum Andrew Morrell

@bobthomson70 I'll stop flooding those not engaging.

Don't forget, when you buy a CD, you do NOT own it. You own a license to play it under certain very specific circumstances.

Bob Thomson

@drulum well true but that’s splitting hairs practically. Personal use isn’t limited is it?

Calum Andrew Morrell

@bobthomson70 You're moving away from the claim and you're not even a politician!

Bob Thomson

@drulum Look, I’ve been very clear… 🤣(trying to think of other canned ones they come out with). 5 pledges! The mess the last lot made. Some 3word slogan.

Calum Andrew Morrell

@bobthomson70 Well to answer your question I'm just going to talk about this completely unrelated thing and pretend the topic is closed.

Bob Thomson

@drulum and in current PM style, do so repeatedly, even though it makes me sound like a call centre IVR menu. It’s a wonder he doesn’t say, “your question is important to me, but my BS reserves are undergoing unprecedented demand at this time.”

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