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steve mookie kong

@gamesbymanuel @Illuminatus

Ya had me up until you mentioned "streaming shows" 😇

I do agree on the owning part with the potential for things to disappear because of DRM and the non-ability to download a DRM-free copy of a movie or show that I have purchased. We are buying a license to stream a movie, not to own it.

Having said that, I own a lot of movies digitally because I buy the physical copies that come with a code. I haven't once had one of my digital movies removed.


@mookie @gamesbymanuel "Past performance is no guarantee of future results."

steve mookie kong

@Illuminatus @gamesbymanuel

Oh definitely not arguing that at any point my digital movies *could* disappear, that's why I buy physical. But, just mentioning that it has not happen since I started collecting movies and it's been a long time.

I do want the movie studios to be more like music studios -- when I buy digital music, I'm good with it because I can download it DRM-free in FLAC and I own that copy. Movies should be the same way.


@mookie @gamesbymanuel @Illuminatus I haven't had a digital movie removed, but I have had one altered. I had a digital copy of one of the Marvel movies and they pulled all the original special features from my copy and replaced them with a 10 year studio anniversary documentary. I abandoned digital-only purchases after that.

steve mookie kong

@seibelsays @gamesbymanuel @Illuminatus

Oh noes! That stinks. I rarely buy digital unless it's ridiculously cheap and is a movie that I wouldn't care if I lost. I buy all my movies physical and the digital code is just a nice add-on.

Manuel Correia

@mookie @Illuminatus I hadn't heard of such a thing that is so annoying. There are so many DVDs where the extras were the best parts, and in streaming services we can't get them anymore.

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