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Manuel Correia

@crcollins @Illuminatus I much prefer that solution and have done that in the past, but there is some more friction that way so I understand why people wouldn't be bothered.

C. R. Collins

@gamesbymanuel @Illuminatus

Yes, it is extra steps, which I explain on my site. But at least I provide the option.


@gamesbymanuel @crcollins @Illuminatus It's only a hassle if you are already locked in the kindle platform.

Manuel Correia

I have used Kindles for about 13 years now, and you can easily load books from other sources on it. You don't have to buy them from Amazon.


@gamesbymanuel true, with eg Calibre it's easy. But not everyone knows that. What is a lot harder is to get your books out from Amazon/kindle as they don't offer epub files

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