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Manuel Correia

For a while now digital ownership has felt more like borrowing but that is not how it's advertised.

Piracy seems to be the only way to make sure things stick around.

And don't get me started on the blockchain, as those things would still need to be hosted somewhere that can disappear just as well. That is a solution looking for a problem.


@gamesbymanuel : that's by design. Because it's not like other types of solutions were never brought up.
In France we had a movement that seemed to gain traction (and died around the time Netflix blew up) surrounding the "licence globale". Depending on who you ask, some sort of blanket tax so that people would get whatever file they want in whatever format they want for however long they want. The idea was to later redistribute that money to artists.

Gaëtan Perrault


I don't think we've really ever had "digital ownership" in a formal, legal way. Everything we do is mashing copyright laws from the print era on top of things with no physical representation. Sometimes things with no legal copies in the public domain.

We've given the creators the protections of copyright without the actual duty of distributing copies to paying parties. Or even to the public.

We're giving out copyright, but we're not getting any copies. And that's just weird.


@gamesbymanuel the realization that we invented a way to have cheap (essentially free) and perfect copies of some things and since then we have been trying to find ways to prevent people from making copies has been mind blowing.

Ankit Pati

@gamesbymanuel Except blockchains aren’t solutions. They never were. They’re just problems creating more problems.


Piracy is stealing.
Usage of proprietary media can atmost be renting.
Only free and open source is true ownership.


@dinodroid @gamesbymanuel If I watch a movie without paying for it, once or 1000 times, there's no harm done. Nobody lost anything.


@ScarbirGaming @dinodroid @gamesbymanuel That's just POTENTIAL income. They make millions, if not billions from every movie anyways, so piracy doesn't matter. There's no real harm done. It's very different than a car theft. If you steal a car, they won't sell it and they lose money, but if you "steal" a movie, they will sell it anyways. I wouldn't buy a movie anyways, so there's even none "customer" lost...


Piracy is certainly copyright infringement, but while the media companies routinely brand it as theft, legislatures and courts would disagree.

Apo Apangona

@gamesbymanuel Thats why I started archiving all important media myself.

I mean, in the past there were always old film rolls in the basement to be found, but nowadays the movie is just lost, when pulled due to tax write-off.

Antonio Teixeira :opensuse:

@gamesbymanuel I disagree in the sense that this is not a digital format problem.
Buy any modern physical media, a blu-ray disc for a movie, a video game, whatever. You now own a disc, but for the content stored in it you only have a license to use it.

This becomes painfully clear if you ever try to do something with this data that the actual owner doesn't want you to: You can't make a copy, you can't run that software (in the case of games) in places where it's not "supposed" to run.

Antonio Teixeira :opensuse:

@gamesbymanuel In short, the actual problem is with copyright laws and proprietary software.

Emil Smith

@gamesbymanuel I pay for Netflix, AppleTV, Prime, Disney, and Spotify. I also pirate everything because I can't trust those platforms to have the same shit next week. I have a 35TB server in my hallway filled with movies, music, and tv shows. As far as I can tell, piracy is literally the only way you can actually own any digital media these days without using physical formats.

Manuel Correia

Holy cow, it's still going! If you still think posts on Mastodon can't have a big reach, check out the numbers on the first post on this thread.

This is what they look like now:

Manuel Correia

"Does that mean you can steal a rental car?"

Bro, I don't know where you got that from. This is about digital entertainment and ownership.

Antifa Warlord

@gamesbymanuel I think the appropriate analogy would be borrowing a rental car without paying, or jumping a transit turnstile, which I wholeheartedly support.


@antifawarlord @gamesbymanuel But why? By taking the rental car, wouldn’t you agree to pay at SOME point?

Antifa Warlord

@bruhwhy677 @gamesbymanuel Not sure I follow. My point is pirating a movie doesn't deprive anyone else of that movie so it's more comparable to evading a train fare instead of taking a physical object. Pirating movies never made me agree to pay at some point, neither has evading train fares. Both of these are examples of not paying for something where nothing was taken from anybody else. A car is perhaps a poor example because for the duration of use it's unavailable.


@gamesbymanuel Why do I only see 2,9K and 1,1K like on my side?

Manuel Correia

@ridou I don't know. Are you sure you're looking at the right post? This is what it looks like for me on browser.

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