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Andrea Grandi 🦕

I think defederating Threads is a huge missed opportunity for Mastodon to grow.

Imagine interacting with their users and letting them know that: you scroll posts without ads, your timeline is in chronological order, your client doesn’t spy on you, you only see what you want and no other content is pushed to your timeline, etc…

if I was a Threads users, I would move to Mastodon as soon as I find out 🙂


@andreagrandi So do I...I prefer Fosstodon's stance on it...wait and see how it shakes out, then decide. If they turn out to be a negative influence, then defederate.


@andreagrandi I loved this thread on the potential moves to watch for in Meta's Fediverse experiment going evil:


@andreagrandi Also threads is the closest thing that some.entities will ever get to having a presence. Like big musicians you may want to follow, down to local city news orgs.

Thats the kind of thing I kind of miss.


@andreagrandi That's fine and dandy until Meta does the inevitable and creates a walled garden of trusted communities and defederates from all else, no?

Meta has zero financial nor cultural motive to embrace the Fediverse as we understand it other than extinguish it. This is why they are linking your Threads account to Instagram and requiring that you delete Instagram in order to delete your Threads account. And they still are trying to sell us on the idea that their accounts are "portable?"

David Hepworth

@glockenspiel @andreagrandi They already have 10 million users. They don’t need Mastodon, but it would be nice to have access to that community outside of Threads.


@glockenspiel @andreagrandi so the problem is that Meta could do in the future what you want every Mastodon operator to do now? I'm confused 🤔

nik0 :blobcatcoffee:

@glockenspiel @andreagrandi What's the point of activitypub then if they're going to defederate themselves. Highly illogical and counter to their own intrests


@ashiisbest @glockenspiel @andreagrandi The problem is that companies, authority systems, etc. use the freedom we still have to take your freedom away. So there are situations where you have to limit coomplete freedom to save it overall...

nik0 :blobcatcoffee:

@Miname @glockenspiel @andreagrandi Yeah that still doesn't answer my question. Why defederate from the very same people you want to take and restrict their rights away? I mean I get the plan but I'd have to see first be implemented before I say anything in regards to it


@glockenspiel @andreagrandi

Probably a good enough excuse as any to delete IG. Our images are about to be scraped up to feed AI anyway.


@glockenspiel If they do this, I fail to see how Mastodon would be worse off than it is now? The Threads -> Fediverse pipeline seems way more likely than the Fediverse -> Threads pipeline. Anyone who would choose Threads over the Fediverse will just... do that anyway?

Macumba Macaca

@andreagrandi meanwhile they start following me, all my data gets pulled to the Threads server and gets mined and sold.

David Hepworth

@macumbamacaca @andreagrandi Your data being your Mastodon posts? What’s preventing the mining from happening on your local instance?

Andrea Grandi 🦕

@macumbamacaca they (anyone) can already do it if they want. Defederating doesn’t solve this.

Macumba Macaca

@andreagrandi meh, good point - I wonder what EU regulation says about this case.

Kint :verified:🤘💀

@macumbamacaca @andreagrandi Yep, that's my reasoning as well; the price isn't worth the candy.

nik0 :blobcatcoffee:

@macumbamacaca @andreagrandi Your posts are already publicly available. There is no way meta to ever reach over Mastodon's fence and steal data when its both illogical and unnecessary since they already have a billion users that they fan steal data from

Pusher Of Pixels

@andreagrandi and that you can follow every other Fedi service from *one* account.

I think the next most visible thing will be seeing their friends (us) switching servers without penalty.

And topic focused servers too


Thanks for outing yourself. You're blocked


Growth is not a goal in itself.
Neither is convincing facebook users.

M Ross

@andreagrandi The "metaverse" is full of bigots. Meta makes money from spreading misinformation. How have people forgotten this already? Why would we want that on Mastodon? What they'll do is build one huge instance and exterminate every other one.

David Hepworth

@starlinguk @andreagrandi They can’t kill the other instances, just not include them in their app. All the people uninterested in Meta can continue to use those other instances, just as they are right now.


@andreagrandi so many problems with this. Threads culture will swamp fedi culture and *that* is all we need to consider.

Ten million people (so far) cannot federate without an impact on fedi culture, which is the most important reason for being on Mastodon.

Andrea Grandi 🦕

@happyborg right, but being on Mastodon you are still free to only follow who you want, without being pushed unwanted content or accounts. This is the biggest advantage for us being here. We have control on the content we see.


@andreagrandi true, but it doesn't address my point. My sole point. 🤷‍♂️


@happyborg @andreagrandi How would content you don't follow swamp the content you do follow in an environment where you only get content you explicitly followed?

Amadi Lovelace

@gooba42 @happyborg @andreagrandi you know know that your feed of who your following isn’t the only feed though, right? You know that there is a federated feed that shows all the content from all the instances that your instance is federated with, and people use it to find people and topics and conversations they want to see more of, right?


@amaditalks @happyborg @andreagrandi I'm aware of it but I also filter, block and mute liberally and otherwise curate as I see fit.

More *stuff* on the smorgasbord doesn't bother me when I don't have to eat it all.

Wesley Bond

@happyborg @andreagrandi I would worry about a culture shift too, but I don’t think #Mastodon would be as vulnerable to this as you might think based on how it works. Here your feed isn’t filled with “trending” posts and content an algorithm selects for you the way the bird place and #threads work. That’s in my mind the biggest strength of the #fediverse platform. So the only way you’d be exposed to those cultural groups would be to follow those users/hashtags. And we have the power to block users and instances entirely on an individual basis, which gives us full control. Given this, I personally don’t see a lot of risk in federating.

@happyborg @andreagrandi I would worry about a culture shift too, but I don’t think #Mastodon would be as vulnerable to this as you might think based on how it works. Here your feed isn’t filled with “trending” posts and content an algorithm selects for you the way the bird place and #threads work. That’s in my mind the biggest strength of the #fediverse platform. So the only way you’d be exposed to those cultural groups would be to follow those users/hashtags. And we have the power to block users...


@wesleybond @andreagrandi I already understand all that and contend that there's a risk of losing everything good here.

Like the argument for climate change mitigation: what if we created all these non polluting, cheap reusable energy systems for nothing? 🤷‍♂️

So why risk losing it all, and for what?

Is it hunger for growth or the fallacy that fedi must be as big as Facebook or even Twitter to be 'successful'?

That's VC mindset. Mastodon has won and everyone here knows that, so more will come.

Wesley Bond

@happyborg @andreagrandi Just to speak for myself, I suppose what I see as the value in federating is mostly selfish. There are people in my personal social network of friends/family as well as key figures in my interest area (mainly scientists and certain journalists) that aren’t in the #Fediverse and probably won’t be, and I’d personally enjoy having the ability to see and interact with them if they are only willing to use #threads or whatever. To me it’s about access to a larger network, not growth of the platform.

@happyborg @andreagrandi Just to speak for myself, I suppose what I see as the value in federating is mostly selfish. There are people in my personal social network of friends/family as well as key figures in my interest area (mainly scientists and certain journalists) that aren’t in the #Fediverse and probably won’t be, and I’d personally enjoy having the ability to see and interact with them if they are only willing to use #threads or whatever. To me it’s about access to a larger network, not growth...


@wesleybond @andreagrandi I totally get that and would love certain missing accounts to join the fedi myself.

One day they might, plenty have who I never thought would do so, and that's what has made Mastodon viable for me after several earlier attempts.

But if they don't, if they prefer those platforms, then maybe it's best to wait until they realise what's wrong there and so much better here.

Good things often take time but we've been addicted to speed by a system that is falling apart.

Steffen Christensen

@andreagrandi It will also add to the feature pressure on Mastodon devs, which is all to the good.


@andreagrandi why does everything always have to grow

Jan Adriaenssens

@andreagrandi @lisamelton And vice versa.

There will definitely be interesting people on Threads that I would want to follow from my cosy place on Mastodon, while certainly not moving there.


@andreagrandi they have always lived under the freedom of being controlled by someone else. They're scared to take that first step into the light.

Jon M

@andreagrandi I kind of doubt they'll ever federate. I think they're using it as a buzzword, but it runs counter to their business model. They're just exploiting open source technology to get off the ground easier, but I bet they'll drag their feet on actually connecting. They might even blame the controversy it stirred up on Mastodon and use that to claim they're protecting their users or something.


@FlippingBinary @andreagrandi "Mastodon (as though there were such a monolithic entity) doesn't want to federate with us and out of pure benevolence (rather than by design) we won't force them. Sorry Threads users, we wanted this for you but we can't make it happen!"


@andreagrandi the fediverse as it is now shows that social medias do not need to be profit-driven, privacy lacking, unsustainable industries. The current fediverse is literally an existential threat for these corporations. They will do anything they can to ensure they can profit as long as they can before we realise how they pollute and alienate society, politics, culture, and the way we think, feel, and experience ourselves intimately. They fear something better is created and it is our chance


@andreagrandi especially once the ads and brands start showing up. "Hey, there's no ads on Mastodon and you can use whatever apps you want!"

This is also an incredible opportunity to normalize ActivityPub for normies and have them see the potential when they start seeing posts from the fediverse.

Threads is a billboard and it is a HUGE missed opportunity and very naive if we just try to ignore it.

John Conway

@andreagrandi it’s not a missed opportunity yet, what percentage of Mastodon users are actually going to be defederated?


@andreagrandi exact reason why I’m here. I read up articles about Threads and ended up here in Mastodon.

Disco Cat

@andreagrandi Except that in order to do that you have to let Threads federate, so giving access to the users on your instance.

The main other issue with that idea is that most instagram/fb users know they're being spied on but just decided to not care in the name of convenience.

Rick Mycroft

@andreagrandi Then would it be okay for the rest of the Fediverse to tell stock Mastodon users that we have text formatting and no arbitrary message length limits?

I mean, once you open that door, it's hard to close it. 🤔


@andreagrandi This place already exists, they can move here now.

Paranoid Factoid

@andreagrandi I think Meta will ultimately seek to divide and conquer the fediverse, then break it up and destroy it. We're fools to trust a monopoly promising to act in goid faith. They have none.

Jon Bosak

Given that all the Mastodon users who are setting up on Threads won't be able to stop talking about how great life is over here for people who are (they will imply) smart enough to deal with it, I wouldn't be surprised to see this siphon off enough Threads users that Zuck has to pull a Musk and prohibit those references.

Santiago Lema :amiga:

@andreagrandi @vmstan It would be good if Threads users could read this in their feed. They can’t decide what’s in their feed though.

Sandro :nixos: :verified_gay:

@andreagrandi the dark side of this: Facebook is sucking everyones public data into their ad black box like they did with their like buttons years ago. Without explicit consent, without a way to opt out which makes it legally very questionable at least.


@andreagrandi I wouldn't mind having the ability to use Mastodon to access Threads. Or Facebook. Or Instagram. The only thing I care about is not being bound to Meta's Rules of Behavior, which are arbitrary, capricious and tend to favor extreme right-wingers. I remember Facebook was still advertising tac gear and body armor to any school shooter who might happen to have been interested in them, as recently as two years ago...

Andrea Grandi 🦕

@toxtethogrady you are not bound to Meta rules, you’re bound to the ones of your Mastodon instance

Ghost of Hope

@andreagrandi This is a valid argument, but it ignores that a federated Threads will fail expected moderation standards within a millisecond of federating, and by that time it will be a hundred times the size of the Fediverse.

Moderators of any instances daft enough to not have blocked them, will either be swamped or give up and join the don't bother moderating threadiverse.

If I wanted to be on Facebook I would.


@andreagrandi I think having the more mainstream instagram app involved in the Fediverse is also growth, it brings more people into this space and reduces (my need at least) need for twitter


@andreagrandi sure but why would the threads algorithm show this posts to it's users?

joe•iuculano :mastodon:

@andreagrandi we've been telling them this the whole time they've been on the #birdsite, #Facebook, and #Instagram. If they hadn't gotten the message prior to the launch of #Threads, it's on them. No one on any of those platforms can claim "oh, I didn't know"


The naïveté (or hubris) is interesting, if nothing else: "How will this enormous entity with unlimited resources possibly negatively affect our little community run by volunteers?"


@andreagrandi I’d share your optimism if it weren’t for Meta’s track record of ruining everything they touch because it’s their core mission.


@andreagrandi Thank you! I think this should be used as an opportunity.

Threads is going to have some advantages, no doubt, but open source groups will be able to still survive, and I hope thrive.

I continue to hope this will do nothing but bring more people into a larger Fediverse where accounts and social graphs can be easily moved.

Geoffrey Sperl

@andreagrandi My suspicion is federation will never happen on the Threads side (they’ve reached 30 million users, so they don’t need to try to poach the 13 million on Mastodon). Past that, I suspect Threads, due to its connection to Instagram, just withers and dies (I give it five years, tops). From what I’ve read, Threads doesn’t bring any additional value to Instagram as a product or a service, so why use Threads when you can just use Insta? Maybe I’ll be wrong. We’ll see.

The Mïghty Kräcken

There's a saying about letting the camel put their head in the tent ...


@andreagrandi It's also not like defederating from Threads will stop them from ingesting the feed from Activity Pub. They can do that regardless of what anyone else does.

Now, if Threads has shitty moderation or lets Nazis, Racist, Homophobic, Transphobic, etc content on there (like I assume it will) then that's a good reason to defederate.


@andreagrandi thats a really optimisitic way to look at it... The first thing, Meta will do is convincing all users about how unsafe it is is to use "inofficial" servers, that there can happen a lot of technical issues, etc.

Bryan :progress_flag: Calckey :calckey:

I've come to learn that there are many who prefer to have the "trends" fed to them. Looking for content exerts more effort than they desire to allocate to a social media experience.

I certainly don't advocate that. I'm much happier here, tailoring my feed as I wish. But have seen many friends leave here because they desire the rush from having info served to them on BlueSky and now Threads.


@andreagrandi They only care about convenience. I'm guessing they have a nifty app. That they want to data mine so much info should be enough to scare people off.


@andreagrandi I largely agree, but trying to get people to jump ship from Facebook for a safer and and cleaner social media platform is like trying to convince domestic abuse victims to leave before they’re ready or able to.

Showing them a better future won’t really break down the barriers set up to prevent outflow, Threads has a gun to the head of your Instagram, that’s quite coercive for even dipping your toes in.

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