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@osc @jerry @Mastodon why would it need clarification it is very straightforward and seeing as the US already has/had access and there isn't any federation I don't think it needs to be adjusted.


@karrbs @osc @jerry @Mastodon because "it won't be available" can be read as "they are planning to make it available, but it's not for now" or "they will never provide the service in the EU" as explained above


Even if they are planning on making it available could even mean that it will never be available for eu especially if threads doesn't work out the way they are wanting. Only meta/Instagram knows the answer for sure 🤣


@karrbs that's why people want clarification, I don't know what's so funny and confusing about it.


@bugbear what's funny is asking someone to rewrite or clarify on something they do not know the exact answer to and can only put what they know. Not hard feeling towards you or op comment just confused as to why it would be asked here.


@karrbs The article could literally say "Threads is not currently available in EU." they could also add "There hasn't been any announcement when or if Meta plans to make Threads available in the EU"

Or they could communicate in any other clear way. I don't understand what's so confusing to you.

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