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>XMPP did not exist on its own outside of nerd circles, while ActivityPub enjoys the support and brand recognition of Mastodon.

People have already said similar about Mastodon. It could be stated like this in the future.



>However, this affects only those who download and use the Threads app, or become users of Threads directly through other means. Even if you follow or send a message to a Threads user from your Mastodon account, Threads will not be able to collect any of your private information except the message you sent.

This is hugely alarming. This is exactly how Meta builds shadow profiles of people. No wonder some instances will automatically defederate.



>We have been advocating for interoperability between platforms for years.

So, to solve a key concern of your ideology you're going to create a massive number of problems for your user base? It's fulfilling the "techbros" scorpion problem in a short amount of time.

Europeans don't have to worry because they have data protection. You got yours, and we can just suck whatever fresh hell you're landing all us non-Eurpoeans in!


@rood @Mastodon And XMPP still works for nerds like me (and also my friends and family).

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