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Pepijn Schmitz

That's a problem for the users of Threads though, not for the rest of the Fediverse. Threads can still only see and track the public content of the rest of the Fediverse, and they can _already_ do that.


@captainchaos Yeah i know, the more important problem is, that Threads will get so much users, that the main point of Mastodon, the decentralisation, isnt that big anymore it Threads gets million of users. They use the ActivityPub only to make profit on their side and thats the big problem about it.

Pepijn Schmitz

@Fluqzy It's not self-evident to me that that is a problem. Having one big player doesn't suddenly negate the decentralised properties of the federation. It would not prevent you from choosing any non-Threads server you like and still follow Threads accounts and vice versa, or from moving to a different server while keeping your content and social network.


I correct myself, this could be a huge opportunity for Mastodon. I just realize, that that is the big step for brands to go onto the fediverse. Because all of them are on Instagram, they all downloaded Threads and join the fediverse at once, which they wouldnt have done over Mastodon. Huge Win for us actually

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