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Oliver (FKK positiv 🏖️)

@Milkman76 @osc @SrPICHAku I am aware of the toleration of neo-Nazi structures in Ukraine. I know that what happened to the minorities in the country was largely swept under the table in the west and is now been kept quiet after the invasion.
This does not justify what the Putin regime is doing to the Ukrainian people in all its brutality, and it is not at all clear to me where the passion of many communists still comes from to thoroughly defend a repressive system of inequality.


@oliver @Milkman76 @osc @SrPICHAku
The "communist" you mention are the ones fabricated by the USA.

A real communist doesn't hate Russia or its population. They gave their lives to end the WWII in way bigger numbers than the Americans. America DESTROYED two cities with weapons of mass destruction.

A real communist find Putin a despicable man as bad as Hitler. But with a hint of reason, USA / NATO (their international armed branch) have expanded to the east without control agisnt signed treaties

Oliver (FKK positiv 🏖️)

@DBG3D @Milkman76 @osc @SrPICHAku Nor do I harbor an aversion to the Russian-born people. My impression is not determined by what anyone spreads about comrades, my impression is determined by what just those anti-Western communists in my latitudes reveal in far too wide parts: A far-reaching indifference to what an imperialist regime does in invaded countries - as long as it is not part of NATO.

Oliver (FKK positiv 🏖️)

@DBG3D @Milkman76 @osc @SrPICHAku These people, who today provide massive inequality and repression in the Russian sphere, have never paid a blood toll. From me there is no acquittal by descent.

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