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D.B. Galeli 🔱

@ocdtrekkie @feditips

He stated: “I am not aware of any secret deals with Meta”
That’s decidedly not the same as “we haven’t received funds from ” and it’s even further away from “we won’t accept any funds”

But you know this already, since people have pointed this out to you numerous times
Your follow up to this has been in the vain of “he’s busy, doesn’t owe denial to every claim”

You’re right, its not owed, but simultaneously the people seeking it don’t owe assumption of non-payment

1 comment

@thattridentdude @feditips Yeah, I'm just gonna save myself some time and throw a block now. You specifically say "plausible that the purpose of this meeting was to come to a financial agreement".

But "there is no agreement" isn't a good enough answer, because, you know, could be something else.

You're moving the goalposts because that's what concern trolls *do*.

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