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Eugen Rochko

I’m bored in a train does anyone want to ask me some questions


@Gargron have you trained a board to board a train?

If you're bored onboard can you be trained ontrain


@Gargron What book are you currently reading?

Internet Kevin

@Gargron what's coming in the next major version of Mastodon?


@Gargron hey hi mate do u have a tutorial or shorcuts that u could use with mastodon?? and how is the travel so far?? Cheers from Chile :)

Robot Pirate✅

@Gargron what would you like to see happen to mastodon in the next 1, 5, and 10 years? Would you give up full dev and pass it to a community group, user count, instance count, features, app ecosystem, etc.


Do you think conscience is like a switch that is ON for certain organism if they are complex enough or OFF if they aren't? OR do you think is a continous state, in which you reach an increasingly higher conscience the more complex you are as an organism? And, if it's a switch-like thing, where is the separation between ON and OFF?

Fenix 🔥

@Gargron Do you access Mastodon via a web browser or through an app?

Annika Backstrom

@Gargron are there any hobbies you want to pick up or focus on in the next couple years?


@Gargron A m... micro site implementation for users?

Ben Zanin

@Gargron sorry, no, in North America it is still too early for questions

but: Sage?

(this is an attempt to entertain you on the train, not a request for boosts)


@Gargron if there were two guys on the moon and one killed the other with a rock would that be fucked up or what?


Why don't we "de-federate" Twitter? I'm sure they pose a moderation challenge with people cross-posting by the buckets these days (I can say that for sure about new users from India).

hark! the herald hazels sing

@Gargron hey remember when masto suffered hours of train-related downtime

Fenix 🔥

@Gargron Is there a way to translate toots not composed in my native language?

Doykeit Dyke

@Gargron when will you sign up for a hellsite account

Thimo (trawzified)

@Gargron What was the last thing you ate? Was it good?

Annie Zaidi

@Gargron do you have any ideas about how to prevent social media giants from limiting reach or audience, especially when they do so as a way of crushing criticism of a government/policy?


@Gargron so they did restore trains in Germany after all?

Robot Pirate✅

@Gargron also, do you think that is to big? If so have you considered some sort of function to encourage use of other instances while not prohibiting signups to m.s?

niko infinito :blobturtle:

@Gargron if you had comtrol of the train and on one side of a track split there was your past self and on the other your parents before they had you which would you kill


@Gargron good books are Sapiens of Yoval Noah Harari, Rationality ELiezer Yudkowsly, SuperINtelligence, Nick Bostrom,, The Elephants in the brain, Robin hanson, and a lot more.... :) and sure is not a question but maybe u like it :)

Annika Backstrom

@Gargron What's your favorite piece of clothing you own or have owned?


@Gargron have you seen instagram's Q&A tools?


@Gargron why dress go spiny?

And follow up, why is dress go spiny so good?


@Gargron why does everyone keep talking about "twinks"

Justinas Dūdėnas

@Gargron @mrsbeanbag
You could post a longer explainer for the public about reasons to make character limit so deeply restricted.

Because I cant find nearly enough justifications. I just get terrible experience of reading long threads, memories about awful sms based twitter culture and very little of that promised "concise" thought expression.

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