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But the argument I think that they’ll make is that boosts are not content and therefore not subject to the same protections. Not to mention they’ll only have to make the argument once caught.

cc: @jdp23 @riomccloud @brianvastag @Mastodon

Mastodon Migration replied to spaduf

@spaduf @jdp23 @riomccloud @brianvastag @Mastodon It would be the underlying content that the owner retains the copyright to. Boosting is part of the service so it is an authorized use of the content. The Privacy Policy describes the service so there is a limited implied license to any such use of the content.

spaduf replied to Mastodon


To be clear I am concerned mostly about boosts from mastodon to threads being associated with existing ad profiles based on instagram/facebook accounts. We already know that they do this sort of account association and I really do have a feeling that at least Zuck is egomaniacal enough to think that they can and should go about monetizing the information in that way.

All that said if any of my previous post implies that I have totally misunderstood what you are saying, I apologize. It is late and I am stoned.

cc: @jdp23 @riomccloud @brianvastag @Mastodon


To be clear I am concerned mostly about boosts from mastodon to threads being associated with existing ad profiles based on instagram/facebook accounts. We already know that they do this sort of account association and I really do have a feeling that at least Zuck is egomaniacal enough to think that they can and should go about monetizing the information in that way.

Jon replied to Mastodon

Even if the owner retains the copyright (which they probably do, although IANAL) Meta can use it for a wide variety of purposes without violating copyright. And they have hundreds of lawyers and budget for paying billions of dollars in fines, so even if they theoretically *can't* use it, they still will if they think it's worth it.

@mastodonmigration @spaduf @riomccloud @brianvastag @Mastodon

Mastodon Migration replied to Jon

@jdp23 @spaduf @riomccloud @brianvastag @Mastodon Indeed. Under no illusions about the effectiveness of any defensive measures. Never-the-less it is better to take what measures one can. Providing notice is one such measure.

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