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Kris :v_bi: :v_amam:

@256 1999 must have truly been the year of the linux desktop

Gorgeous na Shock!

@endali @256 esound can mix sound sources and XFree86 doesn't have limited GDI objects like Windows 9x!

If you can get it running on your video card!

Those were the days... ๐Ÿ˜Œ


@endali @256 if you think about it it kinda was, most major computer manufacturers started supporting it at 1999


@256 that cover goes so hard, I love it

Scott Wade

@256 Dang, get out of the way Microsoft, that Linux penguin looks pissed



12 steps
easy to install

Okay... Different times different standards


@256 at least this techno-solutionism looked cool ๐Ÿ˜…

moss verified arc :veripawed3:

@256 โ€œeasy to installโ€ โ€œinstalling linux can be a choreโ€



@256 Remember Lindows? I worked at a computer builder around that time that supplied cheap PCs to QVC, HSN, Fingerhut, Walmart, etc. Leadership was convinced that they'd make a killing on Lindows machines. There was even a test run in Walmarts in some markets.

Tin :endeavourOS:


"Easy to install" is not a description I would have used for Linux in 1999.

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