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Matt Cengia

@pbone Honestly, one of my biggest frustrations with Discord is their UI. It seems every time I open it it's trying to advertise some "fun" new feature targetting people using the platform for gaming or recreation, and I Just. Don't. Care. I just need to be able to interact with whatever community has roped me into using it, and don't want all this extra noise.

Paul Bone

@mattcen That's one of my criticisms also, and the "fun chat features" that go with it like the attention grabbing animated things and why does everyone need their own colour?

OTOH I still find it easier to use (my particular a11y needs) than Matrix's Element interface. But now I want to try Revolt, I vaguely remember trying it before.

Matt Cengia

@pbone That's fair too; Element are still refining their UI for usability and accessibility.
I also encourage folks to investigate Matrix *bridges* to their IRC or Discord communities; at least it gives people another option, though I concede they're not 100% reliable yet either.


@mattcen @pbone

To be fair, that was the target audience of Discord to begin with

Matt Cengia

@mounderfod Yes, I understand that, which is why it's frustrating that so many non-gamer communities have adopted it and its UI isn't really catering to those.

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