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Fedi.Tips 🎄

Do you want to see more posts about interesting topics in your Home timeline? And do you want your own posts to be noticed by others?

Here's how to do both these things:

1. Search for a hashtag you're interested in
2. On the results page, click the + or Follow button in the top right corner
3. Posts with that tag will start appearing in your Home timeline
4. Follow lots more tags
5. Include hashtags in your own posts, tag followers will then see your posts

More info at


@feditips is there a feature planned to rate limit hashtags at all? e.g. show me 1 in every 10 posts from a hashtag. Some can take over the timeline

Fedi.Tips 🎄


No, but I think they are going to introduce hashtag following in Lists so you could have separate timelines for different tags.

Also, if there's a profilic account spamming a tag you can mute or block it.

An alternative approach if you're on a desktop computer is to use the Advanced web interface which lets you pin multiple tags in separate columns:


@feditips I started following several hashtags but the posts I was getting were in German and not English. Is this because of the server I chose or because the users of that hashtag just happen to be German speakers?

Quinn Blueheart

@feditips Following hashtags is a great way to find content that interests new users! Thanks 💙

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