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Raphael Lullis

@Gargron are you this bothered by all types of NFTs, or just the "jpeg" type?

I'm wondering if you don't see any value in an decentralized, permissionless naming system (e.g,, which could be beneficial for the Fediverse. For instance, it would solve identity and account portability.

Eugen Rochko

@raphael Yes, I am bothered by all of them. If it involves cryptocurrency, count me out.

Raphael Lullis

@Gargron blockchain-based systems are not always about "cryptocurrency". You know that, right?

A fully decentralized system could be key to have more adoption of the Fediverse and it could give us back an open internet. There are lots of smart people working on it without thinking about the dollar signs.

If I promise you that I am not here to shill you any token or to try to hype anything for financial gain, would you at least try to keep an open mind?

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