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Kevin Beaumont

Can’t wait for Twitter to get fixed on Monday and for all the journalists to return to write how Mastodon is doomed.

Urban Hermit

@pauliehedron @GossiTheDog
I always like this one. If I imagine the panel on the right by itself (and really, the one on the left isn't even needed at this point), the idea of saying or enjoying something that is not sarcastic, ironic, or alarming is a minority experience on the internet these days and the very thought of it is very relaxing.


@Urban_Hermit @pauliehedron @GossiTheDog I'm getting an increase of cynicism, sarcasm, and shit posting on Mastodon too lately... :-/


@pauliehedron @GossiTheDog any source, especially for the right part? It's a lovely picture. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.


@GossiTheDog it won't be fixed because they don't want to pay the bill. Also looks like there is a mass purge of trans accounts. I have like 5 friends that got suspended today.

Kote Isaev

@void_trans Heard that Ukrainian users get silenced at Birdsite en masse for a while already. So, it is part of larger catastrophe what happens now with Birdsite.
Also, i see influx of Russian-speaking refugees from Birdsite who literally cried for like year "where to go away from twitter!?". So even if these "patient" users moved, this is something very serious nobody even expected to happen. This is not a thing to be fixed "at Monday".

Michael Weiss

@void_trans @GossiTheDog apparently they paid the bill a while back. This is not about paying Google.


@mweiss @void_trans @GossiTheDog
If i were Google i'd be demanding payment in advance from now on: as is customary when a customer is very visibly on the brink of bancrupcy


@GossiTheDog I don't think the issues are going to be a quick fix


@annamal @GossiTheDog
But the sad thing is that if they were, his prediction would likely come true.

@infosec_jcp 🆓🐦🐈🃏 done differently


Perhaps the #journalists' will talk about how 'there is only a few million accounts' again. *Eye roll* 🤦‍♂️

Looking at you @NPR

🇳🇱 Theo de Koning ♐

The "fix" is 24h after you had your max number off tweets for that day.

So now I don't read tweets any more and let people not reacting on mine tweets.

Tweet that to those journalists.

mori_au 🇦🇺

@GossiTheDog Abused often find it hard to denigrate their abusers, so lash out. Oh, and journos love to click the bait (and switch)


@mori_au @GossiTheDog are we all pretending a federated network with no search functionality and where defederation wars happen every week can replace twitter as a tool for journalists?

mori_au 🇦🇺

@gotofritz @GossiTheDog At the rate Musk is boning Twitter it won’t be pretending for long. Any real journo could make it work without search I’m sure. And they could join a server that has search like Universodon (iirc) Or roll a Masto intance that incorporates search. Blah blah the biggest problem is simply that Masto needs way more of the big-fish news generators. If they all came over (which they won’t any time soon if ever) then the journos would follow.


@mori_au @GossiTheDog I think people underestimate how important "live information at your fingertips" is for journalists. They are not on twitter to hang out, that's just a side effect. If you can't search - that's not gonna work. Same if you can't read important posts on other instances because your admin defederated them because they refused to defederate Meta.

There are instances with search but who keeps up with what they are, and they will get defederated _because_ they allow search

Black Chic with the Red Truck

Wait… so search is only available for some instances? I did not know that… 🤔

mori_au 🇦🇺

@ReneeWestberry Yeah, or so I’ve heard. I’m not on any myself, and wasn’t too impressed when I found out, as I’d liked the idea of not being searchable, but at the end of the day all of Masto is generally exposed to the internets anyway, so probably searchable in one way or another. Google would be hovering everything up already I’m sure?

Mike M.

@mori_au @ReneeWestberry
Some instances are full-text searchable by default. I think some instances, you can opt in to full-text searchable for your posts. And I seem to remember that there's a link where, regardless of the policy at your instance, you can register and request that your posts be indexed for searchability? (Somewhere in my bookmarks; if that interests you, I'll go to a real computer and look for it.)

Regardless, #hashtags are searchable (I think).

@mori_au @ReneeWestberry
Some instances are full-text searchable by default. I think some instances, you can opt in to full-text searchable for your posts. And I seem to remember that there's a link where, regardless of the policy at your instance, you can register and request that your posts be indexed for searchability? (Somewhere in my bookmarks; if that interests you, I'll go to a real computer and look for it.)

mori_au 🇦🇺

@mmlvx @ReneeWestberry Yeah, I was pretty cool with the idea that hashtags are searchable and text generally is not. Never expected it to last all that long.

Steve Williams

@mori_au @gotofritz @GossiTheDog
I don’t think anyones pretending it is. A lot of users came here because the were fed up of being abused by the ‘tool’ that mined them to target hate.


@blabberlicious @mori_au @GossiTheDog Yes I know, and they are the most vocal gatekeepers. But we were talking about new comers, specifically journalists, which don't follow in that category.

Ultimately it's a struggle between those who want the fediverse to be a safe bubble where they are left alone (which is totally understandable) and those who want it to be a twitter replacement. They are incompatible aims IMHO

An Obscure Tenet

@GossiTheDog I don't think the bills are getting paid that quickly.

Kevin Beaumont

@mcepl because they’ve said both the login wall and rate limits are temporary due to technical issues.

Rod Faulkner

@GossiTheDog And bemoan how acclimation to it is SO hard.

slims :miyagi: 🧘‍♂️🎧

@GossiTheDog tbf mastodon isn’t great for journalists. They want more eyeballs on their stuff. No algo on the don means they can’t get that sweet engagement they always make fun of. So good riddance imo


@GossiTheDog I'm still not clear how much of Twitter hassle is deliberate and how much is cock up. My goal today is to get to lunchtime before being locked out.


@GossiTheDog Goal achieved! Bet I don't make it to tea time though.


@GossiTheDog twitter can be fixed today, if only someone paid their bills.


@shamana @GossiTheDog
The only thing that could fix Twitter is removing the person who broke Twitter.

Once you realize that’s unlikely, the obvious conclusion is that Twitter is dead and everyone with a shred of self-respect should leave.


@GossiTheDog "I stayed with a family that provides temporary housing for refugees and OMG they only had one kind of hummus."


@GossiTheDog And some will be writing from Bluesky, somehow confident that the billionaire owners of a corporate social media platform surely won't pull the rug on them *again*.


@pickledredonions @GossiTheDog its how it works bluesky will be another company that only has a valuation based on infinite growth eventually it will meet a head like twitter and realize that its not profitable and will shutdown


@alteropen @GossiTheDog Yep, they're in the first phase of "enshittification", where they're courting positive user sentiment and more users. It will inevitably turn to crap when they insist on making money off it.


@GossiTheDog They didn't stop. Guardian is telling people to get Bluesky instead. FML

AnguaDelphine :calckey_full: :calckey:

​:calckey_full:​ ​:foundkey:​ ​:misskey:​
​:pleroma:​ ​:akkoma:​
​:funkwhale:​ ​:owncast:​ ​:hometown:​ ​:fedibird:​
​:lemmy:​ ​:kbin:​ ​:peertube:​ ​:pixelfed:​

Hmmmmmm - doomed you say?


@GossiTheDog wish everybody would switch finally. I mean what do we all need till we finally change something 🫠🫠

Awanthi Vardaraj

@GossiTheDog Nah. Musk is at the helm, remember? He'll just break it some more.

Driftini I have trouble imagining twitter getting "fixed" anymore:
- Artificially boosting twitter blue subs' popularity at the price of smaller accounts that don't already get hundreds of thousands of likes on any word they whisper;
- The downright insulting temporary doge logo switch that says a lot about how Elon sees the website;
- Needing an account to SEE anything;
- Breaking embeds in links to tweets;
- Destroying nearly every 3rd party app;
- Allegedly horrible accessibility (idk about this personally but I've heard several people say that, take it with a grain of salt ig);
- Limiting how many posts one can see per day (while the limits are in reality even stricter than advertised because of ridiculously rushed and untested changes)

I feel like all of this put together has set a point of no return for Twitter, at the very least it did for me I have trouble imagining twitter getting "fixed" anymore:
- Artificially boosting twitter blue subs' popularity at the price of smaller accounts that don't already get hundreds of thousands of likes on any word they whisper;
- The downright insulting temporary doge logo switch that says a lot about how Elon sees the website;
- Needing an account to SEE anything;
- Breaking embeds in links to tweets;
- Destroying nearly every 3rd party app;
- Allegedly horrible accessibility...

Helgi Crookehorne

@GossiTheDog I can't see anything fixed, still 'try again' stuff, and besides that a bunch of Blue got flagged as bots by a bot, and they can't contact support and they whine in API development forum

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