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I cannot overstate how awesome it is to be part of a community-run cropshare project.
Every two weeks I pick up a box of fresh, regional and seasonal vegetables. Plus I get to pick as many legumes, cereal, flours, juices, pesto and other basics as I need. And it's all on a pay-what-you-can base!

tired blip

@rostiger oh hells yes ✊ this is so cool. is this stuff all locally grown? just like, folks backyards? or is it more like a CSA (that term might be very american, idk: Community Supported Agriculture) where there's a partnership with a full-on farm involved?


@klardotsh Both! It's a core team of full time people working their own field south of Vienna as well as cooperations with local farmers. The cool thing is that the field is owned by a dedicated foundation that cannot ever sell the property and is bound to use it for ecological, community driven, not-for-profit projects. They are building this whole infrastructure where they pull value (mostly real estate) out of commercial utilization chain in a way it can't be brought back. It's awesome!


@rostiger looks a m a z i n g 🤘 got any links to the project? i'm v curious 👀


@rostiger this is fucking awesome, I wonder if there's something similar here


@rostiger I love how pesto counts as a basic. My household also


@nk Haha, it's true! Also they even make their own pasta - so it goes together!


This particular CSA is called Ouvertura in case you happen to live in Vienna!


Ditch corporate dependencies where ever you can. If there are any and you are able to, get involved in a local CSA. Let's build the future we want to live in!


@rostiger dang, this looks really interesting and is actually in my area 🤔


@peacememories Ouvertura sucht noch nach ErnteteilerInnen. Du kannst auch ein Probemonat machen und dich dann entscheiden. Ich finde es super!


@rostiger that photo of the storeroom is really cool! Is that on the farm or somewhere in the city?


@wakyct It's very much in the city! It's called Henzls Ernte and is a small store that sells wild herbs, fruits and vegetables otherwise. Every second Friday they just provide the space for the CSA foodstuff.

Bad Diode

@rostiger I miss this kind of thing, gotta find a new coop to join here! We also discovered so many veggies we never tried before with the surprise bag method.

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