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Dan Hon #xoxofest

So public institutions understand that all their Twitter accounts are now only visible to people with Twitter accounts now, right?

Kofi Loves Efia

@danhon it feels like every major (IT platform) is significantly, demonstrably, qualitatively worse than 5-10 years ago in terms of user engagement, usability, and utility


@Seruko You mean every major 'platform' including other big names?

PedestrianError :vbus: :nblvt:

@danhon No more people being aware that the bus is late, the road is closed, there’s an air quality/heat emergency, free public health services are available, there’s a public hearing, they have new employment rights due to a local ordinance, the city is hiring, etc.

R. George

@PedestrianError @danhon none of these announcements should have been disseminated through a proprietary platform anyways. Public announcements should use public infrastructure.


@rgeorge @PedestrianError @danhon
This is true, and it is a shame we got into this mess, but the second best time for folk to think better of it is now.


@danhon just to reinforce what we all seem to have to keep relearning - you can't depend on a private company for a public good

Lotus Blossom

@danhon @tomstafford I’ve always felt public institutions should not be relying on these platforms for communication. At this point we really do need some sort of publicly owned or regulated platform for this. Not that different from electricity, phones, and water lines really.


@underthestars @danhon @tomstafford i never thought about it this way but it makes total sense

@underthestars @danhon @tomstafford Here in Nashville, power outages are announced on Twitter. Lots of public and emergency announcements go through Twitter and Facebook. Years ago, the daily newspaper The Tennessean played this role: I worked tbere when the gas supply dried up because of hurricanes, calling gas stations and answering phones of people calking us to know. Alas, the newpaper too was a private Gannett-owned platform, which has turned into a shadow. There seems to be no stable public communication platform, certainly not in Nashville where I live.

@underthestars @danhon @tomstafford Here in Nashville, power outages are announced on Twitter. Lots of public and emergency announcements go through Twitter and Facebook. Years ago, the daily newspaper The Tennessean played this role: I worked tbere when the gas supply dried up because of hurricanes, calling gas stations and answering phones of people calking us to know. Alas, the newpaper too was a private Gannett-owned platform, which has turned into a shadow. There seems to be no stable public...

Draken BlackKnight

@irizoris @underthestars @danhon @tomstafford Forget about emergency alerts on AM radio. Car manufacturers are getting rid of those.

Deborah Hartmann Preuss, pcc 🇨🇦

@tomstafford @danhon seems we need to invent Government to ensure public goods. Oh, wait … :-\

Rufus J. Cooter

@danhon Yeah, that's something I've been wondering about too

Especially in the context of, elected officials making 'public' statements on a platform that only registered users can see? That seems, uh, problematic?

Deborah Hartmann Preuss, pcc 🇨🇦

@RufusJCooter @danhon … and their message may never reach registered users without paid checkmarks? #wakeUp


@danhon Has anyone started a directory of public institutions with a mastodon feed? I don’t know where to go looking for such feeds..

Mitchell :mapleleaf:

@shajith @danhon There are bots that people have set up that monitor the original twitter feed and post to Mastodon. You just can’t see what people have replied and your replies won’t be seen by the OP (which is a plus in my mind)

@mitchell @shajith @danhon and those continue to work now? Color me skeptical ...


@danhon Public agencies aided Twitter's sales practices.

Tom Bellin :picardfacepalm:

@danhon I wish I had so much money I could spend 10x too much to buy a service that people depended on and strip out everything that made it good for no f-cking reason.

Not that I would do that. I would take that money and use it to get food to hungry people and forgive unpaid medical debts.


@tob @danhon There is a reason. Seriously, why do you think Musk & his Saudi backers are dismantling the acknowledged public square formerly used mainly by Dems and why are they doing it before the 2024 election…

Dan Bocain

@Pineywoozle @tob @danhon Twitter was never a townsquare. People just kept calling it that.

Now, people are waking up, finally.


@danhon so will localities/state govs/ngos start booting up their own masto servers, do we think? Do we get a federal gov server?

Chris :python: :rstats: 🧪🎮

@PantheraOnca @danhon that seems like the safest (and honestly pretty cheap) bet. You can't paywall the local fire service's updates if the local fire service runs the instance

Toot Suite, Rodney 💨

@danhon Again the weight of the world is resting on the autistic temp that doesn't know you shouldn't rock the boat.

Joe Original

@danhon True! I just tested it; can’t see any Twitter account unless I’m logged in. I would not have known this otherwise; I never go there. I remember that Musk was obsessed several months ago with the Twitter “landing page” and had several engineers swap things around so that people would see this or that and not that or this.


@danhon Probably not. Just like public institutions don't seem to be aware that having their information only on Facebook is not very accessible.

Hat. Cat in an N95😷

@irina @danhon last time i checked you could see a lot of FB information without being logged in. So its still better than the current bird app. My desire log into the bird app gets lower every day.

Televise 😺🦁🐰

@danhon most don't even know that Nitter or other Twitter preview thingies exist. How do we tell them?



Nitter is broken since Twitter literally blocked everyone without an account from viewing tweets. Because even the Nitter scraper is being redirected to the Twitter login page, every single Nitter instance is broken and the only way to see a tweet now is registering and logging in.

William Bell

@danhon wherever you see them using the Twitter logo anywhere on a public service it should be taken down. It is anti-competitive.

Wouter de Jong 👨‍🏫


Musk: "It's only temporal"

Which just means: "We're testing the waters."

I have actively been seeking news on newly published books and promotions in the timelines of some publishers. Some of them never made it off twitter. I'll have difficulties from now on, staying up to date with them.
I'm not sure they're aware. They're not on mastodon, so I cannot reach them and point out the problem....

Patrick Mackaaij

@danhon Nice account name over here👌Do you have a tweet of your remark? I’d retweet it as I expect it makes more sense to talk about Twitter on the other side.

Steve B


If only there was some sort of free to access public network, where companies publishe news and people can somehow could view it. But like teletext, but with some sort of modern twist.

It could be some sort in interconnected network using computers that somehow connect to each other. Like a spider web over the whole planet.

Then, anyone anywhere could read the news of any company.

That said, doubt it’d take off.

John Gordon

@Steveb @danhon A pipe dream man. If the gods gave us such a thing we’d destroy it.


@danhon Tweets embedded in a newspaper story or blog post are still readable. There’s one mistake they didn’t make.

Mensch, Marina

@danhon and a lot of those are right-wing or extreme radicals, rather human-hostile - or at least hostile to #humanrights

Jungle George 🌴🌳🌲🍃

@danhon don't even think they care. not even a little bit.

Braw ☕🏳️‍🌈

@danhon they do and they probably don't care, since they literally pay $2000+ for verification and stuff, which is a huge problem.

Danny Garside

@danhon Holy **** is this a new development or did I just not notice until now?

73 million seconds

@HauntedOwlbear @da5nsy @danhon supposedly also temporary if we believe Musk and one engineer from Twitter. Maybe this is another of Elon's unpredictable stunts that will last a few days before reversed, maybe not. We'll see.

Eingfoan :donor:

@danhon @Gargron I think I am gonna rewrite them now…. That they realize

John Gordon

@danhon If only there were a simple proven standard with lots of code for subscribing to publication events. And then tools for quickly generating small web pages with perhaps a default chronologic order.

Yes, I know such technology is beyond us. Perhaps a god-like AI will develop Really Simple Syndication.

(PS. I know you know :-)

Matias it's fine. you just need to sign up, and make sure to read every tweet made by Musk before posting anything, in case you break any of his arbitrarily made up rules only anounced in his timeline (no Fediverse links, don't use the word "cis", etc..). Then you can access public news 🙃


@danhon I read an article about Elon Musk taking ketamine on a regular basis. If the article is true, it would explain a lot.

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