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Braw ☕🏳️‍🌈

@pixelfed after months it still yells ‘Server Error’ when trying to add the account :P

Brendan Jones

@pixelfed this won’t be needed much soon (at least not for Mastodon) what with searching of profile bios coming:

Still a great tool though, I have fedi22 in my bio :)

Phasorburn Perhaps migrate that to using a tag that isn’t tied to a year, one that reflects the purpose too?

Robert A.Mason

@pixelfed - It would be good if you gave the option to manually refresh the data for an account.


@mason Re-adding yourself should refresh the data!

Robert A.Mason

@pixelfed - Yes, I know, but that would be a bit unfair to profiles that were added later, as it seems to me that accounts are sorted by date of addition.

Blort™ 🐀Ⓥ🥋☣️

@pixelfed Just out of curiosity... why Fedi22 specifically? Seems either year based, which is already dated, or just kind of... arbitrary. 🤔

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