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Atanas Entchev

@Gargron Google killed Google Reader because they couldn't make money from it.


@Gargron what a read... 😢

And the best part "Almost nothing ever hits Google scale, which is why Google kills almost everything."


@Gargron Interesting read.

Personally, I moved to feedly after the shutdown and never looked back.

Curiously, the rss feeds I was subscribed to, at the time I migrated from reader to feedly are about 98% of the feeds I am subscribed today.

Things changed a bit since then, I'm using a mix of feedly, google news, and reddit to stay up to date on my topics of interest across the internet.
Reddit had the biggest gain as a % of my sources of news.
That makes specially mad about what is going on.

Alison Meeks

@Gargron I miss Google image search. No not the thing they put in its place but the other one that actually worked.


@Gargron Peak Google Reader was peak internet. I will not be taking questions at this time.


Commafeed is a very good open source self-hosted replacement for Google Reader.
Has been my #RSS reader for many years now. It used whole width of my screen when other readers did not. And it even got an interface refresh recently.

#Commafeed #SelfHosting #OpenSource

Joe DiMaggio

@Gargron I still miss Google Reader.

I tried Feedly for awhile, but it did something to tick me off that I can't remember.

For now, I use Feedbro (a browser extension). It also has issues, but I can live with it.

If I could find some simple self-hosted solution, I'd be all over it.

Dan Thornton

@Gargron Still miss it - and while there are plenty of good current alternatives for feed readers, it was the critical mass of social interaction that made it so good...

I'd love to see what all my friends are reading, enjoying and sharing without having to delve into social networks and everything else that entails - but sadly I think it'd be almost impossible to get enough using RSS feed readers again...

Bill D

@Gargron The article completely misses a big part to the story. Before it was killed, Google Reader elbowed out many of the other RSS readers. It’s basically impossible to compete against Google; the 6 or 7 years Reader was in play was long enough to weaken the other players and push RSS far into the sidelines to the benefit of Google News. This is when I realized that Google was just a big corporate bully like any other publicly owned, profit-driven behemoth.

Super Nintendo Chalmers

@Gargron Google is a sociopath that murders its own family members. It’s been doing it for years now

Alexander Ruoff 🇪🇺

@Gargron in my opinion that was the best move for innovation. Without killing #GoogleReader we would still be in Googles ecosystem. Now we have a variety of #RSSreaders to choose from.


@Gargron Good article, altho it made me mad all over again reading it. I use newsblur now, which you pay for, but I like a lot.

Claudio C

@Gargron I was a heavy user of Google Reader.
No I have my own free selfhosted RSS reader server with Tiny-Tiny-RSS (TT-RSS).

Richard Azia

@Gargron Google, because it loves to kill everything that a niche of people love.

Lynne of Flowers

@Gargron I was upset back when they killed Google Reader, but I found alternatives and for all people say RSS is "dead" I've never lacked for feeds to subscribe to over the years since. And if GR had survived to the present day, can you imagine how far down the enshittification curve it would be by now?


@Gargron Honestly still missing Google Reader to this day. At the time it was the social network that knitted my friend group together while we were at our day jobs, shitposting and sharing the most interesting things we could find.

Jamie Booth

@Gargron this is the truest quote ever:

“If Google made the iPod,” he says, “they would have called it the Google Hardware MP3 Player For Music, you know?”


@Gargron @alexch I, like most people, was upset and sad when that happened. However the shockwave of that event gave birth to many successful feed readers and left them breathing space to live in ever since, so I ended up being grateful to Google. In the end, that was a practical monopoly and we're better off without it. I find.


@Gargron The demise of Google Reader made me go back to my desktop reader, Liferea, and I'm very happy for it. Thank you, Google.

Yosola :chocorramo:

@Gargron Google. And it was the principle of the end


@Gargron What was google reader? Don’t think I’ve ever heard of it. Certainly something google didn’t promote.
So I guess it was those like me who can’t read minds and never went looking for it that are the cause of it folding.
Oh well.

Michael Brendel

@Gargron for me google reader‘s death was the beginning of a long search for substitutes. Until I found @Inoreader . That‘s how GReader would look like today.


@Gargron Its end was very useful to me. I don’t use Google, so my RSS choices were fairly limited till the end of Google Reader resulted in several other choices becoming available.

NorcalPM ☑️ :verified_coffee:

Google Reader was the best thing the Goog ever developed, and I'll never forgive them for killing it the way they did.

Eva Chanda

And yet now you're allowing Meta into the Fediverse...


@Gargron Depressing read, it was a very good product.

Jay S

I've been paying to use NewsBlur ever since, and getting my monies worth out of it.


@Gargron Hello. Will there be a "translation" function in the Mastodon app for android in the near future?

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