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Mike Taylor 🦕

@EU_Commission This is great. Except I have a USB-C tablet that won't charge from my phone's USB-C charger, and my USB-C phone won't charge from my tablet's USB-C charger.

The "U" stands for "universal", of course. But if all it means is "can be physically plugged into any other USB-C port", that ain't worth much.


@mike @EU_Commission
This is entirely true. I have "cables that can do X" and "cables that can do Y" and visually they are basically the same and have no markings to indicate their capabilities. I have a bag of cables and pretty much just have to plug each one in until one does the thing I want, or until I lose interest or find an alternative solution or whatnot.

Mike Taylor 🦕

@emmatonkin @EU_Commission It might actually have been better when every cable was physically different.

(Although there was brief golden age, before USB-C, when regular USB had a very good record of Just Working.)


@mike @EU_Commission
What would be quite nice is a very visible and thoroughly standardised coding of cables in USB so you can look at the cable and just see what it is and what its capabilities are. Bit like on network cables but hopefully accessible to normal humans.

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