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So that big rat's nest on the left multiplied by all EU Citizens will now become e-waste? Plus all the wall warts they used to charge. Plus all the devices. In order to be uniform and actually gain the benefits of the 'After' life, you'll need all new devices with USB-C ports.
I think USB-C is great, of course, but I don't think being Green is actually a selling point for it.
Quite the reverse, obviously.


@gemlog Unfortunately, this is the fault of the manufacturers not using a standard connector even when it was available ahead of time, so now this situation exists. Also, since USB-C allows for audio, power, and I believe video in later revisions, it means less cables going forward, putting a slow down and hopefully an end to the numerous cables needed, which would cause even more e-waste. @EU_Commission


I didn't say I didn't like them - I wish we'd started out with them.
The medium seems capable of carrying anything - but there are many TYPES of usb-c too that can trip you up. You can still have the 'wrong' usb-c cable!
But, as you say, big corps love to have prop. shit and lock in - extreme example is apple, but most play the game to some extent.
It just aint GREEN in the transition.


@gemlog But we didn't have the technology to do so until now. USB has been around forever, but it didn't have enough power to do almost everything without drawing lots of power, also causing environmental issues at a greater scale. :flan_shrug:​ @EU_Commission


@gemlog And as far as being green in transition, it never is, but it leads to it. As I said, blame the corporations for going with proprietary connectors and such which then end up as e-waste when they discontinue those products. @EU_Commission


Who's to blame is not my point. I was simply targeting that ad.

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