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iXô :java:

@EU_Commission You know that your picture only show the cable mess. There is no charger here. And in fact I can already use the same charger for all my devices, by only changing the cable, and sometimes it comes with little adapters.

This law is a good thing, but :

1 - when it was created we were using mini (or micro usb), if it would have worked, would we but stuck with these bad connectors ?
2 - communication is key, we speak of the device connector, not charger

Craig Grannell

@iXo @EU_Commission The legislation does have provisions for replacements. But it would mandate a replacement rather than several competing options. (The competition would be done in committee form.)


@craiggrannell @iXo @EU_Commission also, usb c is a pretty complete connector. Don't see phones needing more than 100 Watts any time soon. Or more than 10Gbs.


@ixo @EU_Commission You mean... exactly like the EU standardized Micro USB in 09/10 but left enough leeway for USB C to push through?

While there's of course idiotic stuff happening, the regulators are aware of the technology landscape changing.

Basically it's just the old EU law updated.


@fuzzysteve @ixo @EU_Commission It was a normative standard but no law, true. I think my main point is actually a different one: Yes, the regulators are very much aware of technology landscape changing and everyone asking "Didn't they think of X" is asking a really obvious question that's already covered by the law. They didn't "forget" to think about that scenario.


@ljrk @iXo @EU_Commission :) And right now, if someone were to release a phone which actually pushed the spec, we'd be looking funny at them.


@fuzzysteve @ixo @EU_Commission Every law is designed with specific loopholes though, as is this, for good reasons!

João Santos

@ixo @EU_Commission if you read the directive, it leaves room for innovation. Standards can evolve and enable competition and interoperability that are as important as fast innovation. One example closely related to this are the AC power plugs, they have been standardized for a long time but there was still room for innovation when needed (or do you think we should go back to the time each manufacturer had their own plug?).

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