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i havent posted any dream diary excerpts in a while, so here are some...

I was in my hometown in the future.
There were abandoned ruined buildings and empty lots filled with tall grass. Lots of space around us. I explored some of the ruined buildings. met a weird man in one who was doing rituals inside, i left.
My sister was there sometimes too. We lived in a house that was around where the house we grew up in was. We were getting letters from our grandma (who passed away last year) every day. we were looking at huge rolls of fabric in an empty lot. My sister wanted a roll of all white fabric. She was worried it was gone but it was still there.
There was a river. A lot of walking around. A warm golden day
my godfather or maybe sidra were getting rid of all these pool floaties. I asked if pool floaties were normie. I was trying to save the good ones. There was one that looked like a black clamshell and a clear vinyl sheet. But I wasn't taking everything. I was thinking how wasteful it all was.
Walking along a sidewalk in a weird construction zone and there are all these different types of dogs in circular cages.
I'm with people but I can't distinctly tell who.
I felt like I had a job, I was maybe a spy, I thought I knew the inner workings of things
a dream of going to a fancy party where everyone is dressed by a designer. I'm wearing a black dress that feels like a potato sack on me, it's kind of hideous, 2 people tell me that. One friend wants to get someone else to make me a new dress for the party right away. I do feel ugly but i also feel sort of ambivalent.
I was looking at reviews on google maps for cafes in a faraway location, maybe India. I found a cafe that had a linked website that was unrelated to the cafe.
The website took you to a page with a timer, you were supposed to turn it on and write during that time, and you could get money just with the timer on. It maxed out at a certain point, you could only get so much money, but it was pretty decent still, like $20 an hour while it lasted. I was thinking, oh I can do this.
I don't have to write but maybe I will anyway
I was on the blue carpeted floor of a weird room in a Costco like store, arranging food (?) thinking it was fine because nobody ever walked over here anyway
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