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Luci for dyeing

it’s a good reason to resist react.js even if you like it. every site that gets converted to use react.js brings meta a step closer to strangling the open web to death

Luci for dyeing

lotta people asking me to suggest an “alternative framework”. my suggestion is: stop using frameworks. they are never as helpful as they claim to be, add an overhead of complexity, create needless barriers and limitations. and then in as little as 2 years the framework is obsolete and your app stops working, unless you rewrite it again in the new version or a different framework.

frameworks are a soul crushing treadmill. Invest in low or zero dependency codebases on APIs that never change.

Luci for dyeing

you, the hot shot rockstar dev codes the new codebase on the hottest newest framework. you get it done in record time, get a huge pay bonus, and move on to the next job. who’s stuck with maintaining your hastily coded mess? me. over and over again with countless “rockstars”.

i am begging you to stop making me fix your shit.

Luci for dyeing

worst case scenario is today’s hot shot framework becomes a security nightmare with no upgrade path.

the only option for me then is to take it out back and shoot it

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