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You wake up in a cold sweat.

EEE tactics? Every browser being chrome? metafedi? Strange words from your dream.

You stand up, stretch, and check your email on one side of the screen and your gemini client on the other side of the screen. The warm glow of your screen belies the fact that you're packing the latest and greatest 3dfx chip, using some of the shader tech they acquired when they bought out nvidia back in the 90s. Time to play that new Marathon game. Good thing they ported it to Solaris!

Null pointer exception

@Dio9sys Im still salty about the new Marathon smh

Art aesthetic is soooo good, but im not into pvp\extraction shooters

Dave "Wear A Goddamn Mask" Cochran :donor:

@Dio9sys totally off-topic but is real and alive and legally free and people should go there because marathon is fucking great.

i_lost_my_bagel :loss: :verified: :loss: :verified:

@Dio9sys can we at least keep Linux in this timeline? I don't wanna use Solaris...

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